Pictures galleria!!! Friday, April 27, 2007, 1:43 AM I was browsing through the collection of pre-liberation DT04 class pictures when i noticed some are extra amusing to be left untouched. Hope those involved will not mind. This is for entertainment purposes only and the copying of any material is not halal! There was this one candid photo of us at HPB's waiting lobby... YFT and MY were kneeling beside me. For some reason, they looked symmetrically toppling off distally in relation to myself. I decided to investigate. I resized the picture to 50%, contrasted it to the max, sharpened to the max, increased the size to 100% again and reversed whatever i've done. This was what i found: ![]() Click for full view! No wonder i felt there was some mystical energy building within me when Osman the "zerooooo uhuh uhuh" man failed to give any countdown. Anyways, i was browsing through again, and stopped upon one picture of us all at K310 which made me stop chewing my gum for a bit. It was, guess who? ![]() TYB was backin' that ass, homie!!! Hehehehe. It was a damn awkward pose alright. Pardon the poor cropping, hehh. Then i also realized one thing. YFT barely smiled in any of them pictures! His resistance to smiling was tremendous. Heh heh heh... So i helped him, with a little makeover, heheheh :) ![]() Then i was surfing across Friendster when i found my old SHS camp group picture! Spot Marilyn and i! ![]() Click for full view! Won't be blogging life much anymore, will do more interesting and different things in the future :) Kukup. Saturday, April 14, 2007, 8:52 PM Click here for pictures (c) my Nikon. Considering closing the blog. Update!!!!! Thursday, March 29, 2007, 11:20 PM i will be updating my blog regularly soon. The recent downtime has been mostly due to a change/upgrade of computer, adjusting to walking, something mildly tragic + mind boggling, and the loss of my beloved and precious image editing software. 2007's poor start for me. Thursday, March 08, 2007, 11:01 PM Today's Digital Life paper knocked my balls of the socket. It was just last week when i made a 'sure buy' tech-wishlist and got to know of the IT Fair which ends this Sunday. That paper's guide to the big event rubbed salt on my 2nd surgery's wound. I can't possibly survive with the nationwide triathlon! Then i came to think about this year and all the events i'm missing out on so far. I tell you, 2007 started off so interestingly and i'm the biggest loser ever. Firstly, Yngwie Malmsteen's gig. Then, Muse's. [Missing out on those 2 already made me go "FUCK!", louder by at least 3 times you read it as]. Singapore's final with Thailand. Devilika's boat and ghost-hunting rides. A couple more events which i cant think of, and now, the IT Fair. ARGH. On the lighter note, though... Lola and i had our super thirty-three. I guess i'm just grateful i hadn't missed out on this one.. :) [awww haha shit] Art. Sunday, February 25, 2007, 10:39 PM ![]() By: Me! Got so bored and wanted to entertain my lady for a bit. Come on people!!! No pics?! The thrill of doing friends is a different challenge to me and i'm willing to do it. Pear, send them over and i'll review it! Oh and yes, most of you got more pleasant-looking :) [Those who are lost, refer to previous entry]. Andddd check out Lola's latest art, a photomanipulation at HER DA now! Kung POW! Wednesday, February 21, 2007, 2:24 AM Kung Pow is HILARIOUS!! AHAHA! Okay. I've been receiving notes from people at DA, asking for permission to use my artworks for non-profit signature-making... It's incredible! I'm going to be more well recognized worldwide! BTW, i just submitted my first vector after my leg's decalcifying incident. It's made with more cartoony effect to it.. Check it out at MY DA PAGE! I was browsing through for other good (as in fantastic) stocks but to no avail. So, you people, if you hope to see a vectorized version of you, send in your picture(s) to me! theyasman at gmail dot com! Picture/s should be: Big, sharp, with good lighting, and if possible, good-looking. [Taggy Replies] [Ping] Hey yea, i forgot! Okay, if FuTian and Yus comes over to play, i'll invite you too, okay? We were half-planning this Winning Eleven thing since ages ago. [Ijah] No lah, can't walk yet... I'm no miracle worker, haha. I'm fine, just can't walk with 2 legs. [Keith] Suggest when ahhh and gather them then tell me. On. [Beng] Thanks :) Glad you're glad... How's you and your boy? Heheh okok. Whoossa. Saturday, February 17, 2007, 11:44 PM Happy Chinese New Year to all my Chinese friends! :) Many things have been happening for me all these while, and most of them are positive! I'm going to start vectoring people again soon after completing Devilika's site (here). Lola's done with her final exams. Received an X-Box, nicely arranged beside my PS2. The Marketing ICA is done with a breeze. It was nice to see my class again on Friday. You guys may not realize it but many of you girls have changed since the last 4 weeks! Heheh. I'm thinking of planning a Winning Eleven 10 tournament at home for my friends. Lunch will be provided... Invitation is planned towards the AI Dulu gang. SMS me your opinions or preferable dates, guys! I may be lame with a broken leg but i won't stop living life :) ps: keep tagging, people! Thanks guys! |
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