Thank you, Dream Theater. Sunday, January 29, 2006, 3:08 PM Before i start with Dream Theater's gig, i just want to let everyone know i got only 2 demerit points but failed my test because the stupid car in front of me hit the breaks just after a left turn at a cross junction, causing me to stop at the yellow box. Went to the Indoor Stadium just on time. Planned to reach earlier but Keith and i waited for WanDope and cabs at Aljunied were fully hired. So WanDope's friend, Shane, sped his taxi and fetched us there. As we reached, there was a long queue behind the entrance as security was tight. We walked up slowly and they opened another gate... We were the first to go in! Damn, we skipped a whole line of bodies. Checked out the merchandise booth and was disappointed that the tees were sold out. Went in, checked out our seats, went back out to chill, and then in again before Dream Theater started jamming. Everyone got off their seats and rushed to the front of their respective sectors. Seriously, the organisers clearly didn't know what rock concerts are. Who the hell sits down? The performances were unexplainable. Wanted to cry. No mistakes whatsoever. The band was very appreciative of the crowd, kept mentioning 'Singapore' (which made us all weeping), didn't compromise any part of their humble showmanship and rocked the house. The vocalist didn't screw up one bit (unlike what i expected, because singing the genre live is way difficult). In fact, he sounded better. WanDope, Keith, Shane and i were at the front of our sector and rocked the enclosure. The crowd behind us were great and we headbanged together. Some of us took picture and videos. The organisers disallowed it and i was busted. Submitted my camera to the lockers and i continued to rock on. WanDope used his camera and got several shots. Click here if you want to see our pictures for the night. Pictures courtesy of WanDope. It was one of the best things that happened in my life. I will never forget that night. Thank you, Dream Theater. Dream Theater tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!! Thursday, January 26, 2006, 9:28 PM I can't believe it!!! The day has finally come!!! Feels like a dream. The exciting feeling makes me want to pee! ![]() Dream Theater's coming to Singapore and i'm going to catch them live!!! HAHAHA!!! Will be going with Keith and Wandope. Will be cleaning up my room before that as Saturday will be packed with family bodies and they'll be staying overnight as well, after the barbecue. How nice, watch soccer with grandma and all. Sorry, too hyped. Dream Theater!!! Hahaha!!! Will post pictures! [Ijah] Sorry, sold already =( Might be selling my ZenMicro 5GB Black somewhen in April though. Hee. [Joyce] Will link you up on Sunday, okay? Very very busy right now, sorry! :) COMEBACK. Tuesday, January 24, 2006, 10:04 PM I am kind of back, after a long moment of trying to find myself out. It hasn't been an easy phase since the last time i posted an entry here. Everything's toppling over me and i've took effort in catching my priorities from their fall, while letting go those which mean lesser to me. Made several sacrfices, some of which are difficult decisions. Turned down a dream which was starting to be true and as hard as it was for me to make that decision, i feel like it's exactly what i need. Devil thoughts and interferences screw me up, while Lola, family and friends make me smile. I have a line-up of events happening soon, and i hope they happen big-time. CNY break is awesome, i love it when they steal the calendar like that! Just some highlights: 27th Jan - Dream Theater's 20th Anny Tour LIVE at Indoor Stadium! I can't wait!!! I'm caught in a web!!! It's also my stepdad's birthday but hey, birthdays happen every year. 28th Jan - My family tree barbecue! I'm glad we never ever stopped our barbecueing tradition. And of course, Ole's 20 is approaching like a tidal wave. I'm running out of ideas... Without money, you can't buy shit. Till then, i'm so sorry for my absence. Those who curiously/concerningly asked of my condition, i really appreciate your approach and i'm kind of touched in a way :) To those who kept saying my blog's dusty/boring/oh-you-never-update, i'll do my best not to disappoint, okay. I think i'm going to grave out a new layout during the CNY break. You think? Down with the sickness (Part II) Tuesday, January 10, 2006, 11:25 PM I'm getting sicker since i last blogged. Having flu, asthma, dry coughs, high fever and severe diarrhoea. Missed the whole Raya today, stayed at home to nurse my sick ass. Didn't have appetite and ate nothing but a slice of bread, paracetemols and ultracarbons. For those not in the know, Ultracarbons are charcoal, and are taken when people have diarrhoea. It was hard trying not to crap in my pants. Dad was busy cutting sheep legs in the evening. The skin and fur still attached. I vomitted. Going to send my sister to NDC tomorrow for a mini-operation, which involves an incision of a papillary mucocele on her lower lingual lip. Hope it goes well. Selamat Hari Rayer you all. Down with the sickness. Thursday, January 05, 2006, 9:59 PM I'm ill. Down with flu (not a common cold but a flu) and coughs. I feel like rubbing my laryngeal walls with pumice slurry and scrub them hard. Missed NDC yesterday due to it too. This semester's going to be one hell of a nightmare. Timetable's unreasonable. DrHema's going to drive through her continuous hours with us and i wonder if we can survive. Been eating very little lately. Happy New 2006!!! Sunday, January 01, 2006, 10:33 PM Had a simple celebration for the New Year with Lola. It really was worth missing ManUtd's match. She groomed to the occasion and i was jaw-dropped for the entire time i was out with her. She says it's meant to be a surprise. ![]() Did my best to resist any temptations. Went for lunch at Marina Square and checked out some of their latest extensions. Then, headed to Esplanade to ridiculously walk through the packed crowd and make our way to the MRT station. Headed to Woodlands as it'll be more convenient for Lola's travel back home. Besides, her family's there too. FYI, there's a Countdown Party beside Causeway Point too (it also features a foam party). Of course, we were'nt part of those shit and just laid back with her family. ![]() Few minutes before the countdown. We headed to the 2nd floor of a multi-storey carpark to witness the party from a higher ground. ![]() ![]() As you can see, the attendance in the actual party was low. Those kids were dancing around in mud! Disgusting. Mud under the layers of foam. The party host did his best during the countdown. People yelled "Happy New Year" very half-heartedly (precisely why i didn't add any exclamation points) and the whole awaited countdown became a huge disappointment. Lola and i were the loudest, if not the only ones. ![]() There was a high number of very young Mats and Minahs. The cops weren't really doing their jobs either. So many underaged smokers all over the place and they ignored them. So there was a certain degree of regret making the turn away from Esplanade but we knew convenience was key, last night. Wasn't fun celebrating, but it was fun [place mushy stuff here]. So yes, Happy New Year! |
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