Happy Birthday indeed. Sunday, March 26, 2006, 2:09 PM Thanks to all the birthday wishes from everyone! Sorry Hanah, couldn't recognize your voice, thought you were Cathy. The plan was for Lola and i to go ECP and have a chillout picnic. Great weather, good atmosphere, and damn, it's so much faster travelling by bike to ECP. We used to wish to go without hassle and will collect money for cab fares. ![]() My one out of two birthday mini-cakes. The other one got turned over in the box (haha!) and was not planned to be shown here (tastes awesome though). ![]() Her gift for me - a ring that fitted superbly. She used judgement and guessed the size. She's really good. This was initially wrapped in multiple wrapping papers. ![]() Then she took out another wrapped gift, and when i opened it, it was spaghetti! She cooked it for me. Never got a taste of her cooking before this, and i shall say it's very nice indeed. Really. ![]() So i thought that was it. She then gave me another gift! It was a total payback for what i've given to her sometime back, but mine's red in colour. ![]() The stars were fantastic. And i was so lucky, i caught 2 flying ones. We burnt the last life of the candle and watched the flame hoola along the horizon. ![]() So seriously, i thought that was it. Sent her home close to midnight. Then, she handed me YET ANOTHER GIFT, which came with a letter. She wants me to open it only when i'm home. Was surprised and did just that. Turned out to be the fragrance my olfactory senses have got a major crush on. ![]() Just a glance of us during the picnic. She was so busy and lethargic with attachments and hospital visits to see her grandma but still managed to get her idea for this day. Was really touched. She's the best :') Creatine overdose and the be-early party. Friday, March 24, 2006, 9:41 PM My group's Developmental Psychology presentation is finally over! My groupmates did excellently for it, and kudos to all their hard work rehearsing their lines! :) Hope we get an A for it! My family decided to have early 'celebrations' for my birthday as they predicted Lola booking me on the real date. They ordered pizzas, chicken wings and salad. The birthday ice-cream cake was of natural durian flavour, with even the fruit's threads in the paste. Stuffed myself like a christmas turkey! Food was great. My sisters gave me a Manchester United mousepad. Aww. I saw KiamHo's brown beauty of a Phantom 200 today, cruising past Woodlands Road. I wanted to follow it, tailgate it and lick it if i had the chance, but i was on the way to school. It was a wonderful sight! So envious but fuck it. [Tagboard Replies] [Nicole] I'm sorry, what '3 topics' are you talking about? [Edil] Which practical stage are you at now? [Joyce] Aye, why didn't you attend school today? I drew you! Grr! [Cady] Hey~ No problem. I'm not being a bad classmate lah, just that, i feel that we shall never let ourselves get kicked around and do things solely by the 'nice guy' way. But of course, it's just how i think. Hope things get better. Anytime you want to approach me regarding those stuff again, Operatory 13! [All] Thank you for coming in here! Booyakasha! In death's embrace. Friday, March 17, 2006, 11:38 AM My old man over my dad's side has left us today morning, at 2.30am. Twisted tales of events have happened lately and my mind's not resting at all. DrHema was kind enough to let us have today free after 4 torturing days of IDEAS training. Was supposed to set the tempo up for projects today, but i guess it's just one of those days where things can't happen. [TagBoard Replies] [Ijah] Even if you're in NYP, you won't see me often.. I'll be there like, only once or twice a week. [Fizo & Hilmie] Rohman's riding what, exactly? I heard it's a Harley but i strongly doubt so, perhaps maybe a Steed or some sort. It's not a Phantom, right? [Cady] Yea... Thanks.. [Edil] You're taking lessons too? Where? [48] Saper nie eh. When to go rounding? Would love to, especially Johore where i'll need the company, but not anytime around now. Maybe late May. [Tea] To pass is nothing... It's the part about getting a bike that's full of emotions. Thanks anyway! [Kelly] Lola's gonna get really mad. [Enemiko] Thanks, i think the saddles are cool too. About the tees, i'm interested in 3 designs but i'm only reloaded with moolah on the 12th of April. [Carmen] 35 minutes, seemed like half a day huh. [All] Thanks for visiting and tagging :) Ride and drive safely, a green horn's on the road. Cairnhill!! Sunday, March 12, 2006, 11:47 PM Crimson. Right after cleaning and polishing, last night. Rosemary red in colour. Figured it's a custom paintjob. Hence, the only one in Singapore ;) ![]() Cosily tucked in beside the door of my house. ![]() The engine's great. Mileage's ridiculously low for an FQ plate. Went for a rideabout this afternoon. Got lost unintentionally twice. Rode past Orchard. Feels weird! Studied some expressways and the vehicle behavioural patterns. Realised my cruising speed's at 120km/h (hot SP engine!). Will go lower. The box is going to be removed. Replacing them with my lovely Givi SaddleBags. The roads aren't all that clean. The internals where i thoroughly washed became dirty again. Hahaha. Lucky week!!! Thursday, March 09, 2006, 9:43 PM I've been very lucky this week! Been taking advantage of fantastic grabs, man! 1. Creapure's Creatine Monohydrate. Original price: $54 Bought for: $9.10 2. Givi Saddlebags + Saddle Brackets. Original price: $95 (Bags) + $32 (Brackets) Bought for: $50 (BOTH!) 3. Harley Davidson Rear Bike Pouch. Original Price: I don't know, it's Harley, go figure. Bought for: $15 4. Vintage Brown Leather Army-Type Half-Cap Helmet. Original price: $60 Bought for: Free! I found it staring at me, on the floor of a neighbouring void deck! Anyway... My Lola will be off to attachment soon, at Phillips. Hope the company really makes things better. 2 straight days at NDC for the first time ever. It doesn't feel good at all, time moves slowly and my tummy ached (for the loo and for food). One thing for sure, though, it has really made me learn a lot. Tough day. Tuesday, March 07, 2006, 10:27 PM Today's attachment at HPB was the most difficult for me, so far. I mean it! My first patient was from the Common Pool side. He was apprehensive and had to sit on top of his mother, on the dental chair. I felt uncomfortable, stressed and potentially beaten but i felt great after successfully completing the procedures needed. So after that uneasy encounter, i thought it was the end. My next patient was a crying machine! She began crying once she entered the clinic. Had to coax and calm her down, took all the patience i have and used it. In the end, she was a joyful kid, grinning from ear to ear, looking forward to her next appointment. It felt superb. Of course, all of these would not have been possible without the help of my assistant, Gaithiri. Watched Big Momma 2 with darla Lola yesterday. Predicted it to be a crappy one and it turned out to be just that, but heck, i needed a break! The Research Methods test yesterday morning wasn't -that- much of a breeze. I hope to get at least a B. Downstream... Not again! Friday, March 03, 2006, 11:18 PM Man, my optimism level has dropped again. This sucks. I need more faith. The meeting with the directors was just the same as predicted. 3 out of 29 topics covered are accepted. The others? Thrown back into our faces, of course! Spoke to DrBryan and he took down several points. Thank you again, Wendy, for your work :) The replies, if not heard from DrHema, will be by me. Tomorrow's Diego Forlan's ex-numeric in United's colours. Running out of moolah. Hope time's more worth than money. [Keith] That's a funny suggestion. Hahaha. FuTian suggested Crimson. I like that name. [Mas] She has so much free time. |
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