Final Year Project 2006. Friday, September 29, 2006, 7:55 PM Sorry for the long absence - No excuses. Final Year Project is finally over!!! I was quite disappointed though, as last year, many people attended our seniors' one (including DrBryan) but we only had a handful of the DT06 batch, DrHema and DrMok. Everyone looked stunning, which surprised me, because i've always thought we're already a good-looking class - didn't know we could look more pleasant. It was fun though, everyone did well and nobody screwed up. Glad DrHema's pile-driving questions were dodged well by all the groups, especially with FuTian shoving her questions right back to her face (and he said his subconciousness took over), Kelly's group being saved by the bell and as for my group, well... She just ran short of questions. I don't know why but the aftermath of the whole event today makes me feel very emotional. Maybe my emo NDC partner transmitted emo-ness to me. Autosol is beaten! Monday, September 18, 2006, 10:10 PM I was happily polishing my bike and retreated backwards away from it to have a better view of which part of its exhaust pipe has less shine. Little did i know that there was a helpless cockroach stoning behind me. I stepped on it accidentally, slipped like a mothertrucker and fell bums first. Roaches are slippery and deadly. They wait, they smile. Thursday, September 14, 2006, 12:06 AM My room is junk - in a total unsightly mess. It's far worse than the fire-prone scavenger's homes that appeared on Newspaper headlines lately. And to think there's so many pressurized cans of spraypaints all over! You come into my room and leave with grey-black soles! Year 1s visited HPB this week to have a first hand documentary of what's up with us Year 3s. Got this friendly girl named Fenny (i still dig the name. So cool). Cady introduced an interesting yet tough game today. I kinda suck at it; so did Mas. Punishments for making wrong moves are 3 hits. I got like, 81? This is a boring entry. [Tagboard Replies] [Joyce] You're supporting a rapist! Sicko! Sheep-lover. [Cady] Maybe she couldn't turn around to see colour. [Ijah] my new bike's very boring. Wait till it gets pimped! [Kelly] Whoa look everybody, a sudden spontaneous cat expert! Hahahaha. [Keith] You know, i was thinking, damn you're right about her looking unimpressed - didn't notice it. Then i imagined, yet couldn't - that while they're at it, she looks impressed. That's sick, cat porn. [Liza] What the hell?! He does interracials and i think that's as far as he goes. No intermammals! [All] Why are my taggers so sick lately? Ambush humping attack! Thursday, September 07, 2006, 1:16 AM ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Those who are lost may want to read my previous entry. Animal loving, in loving memory of the animal lover, The Crocodile Hunter. ATTACK!!!! HurHurHur. New ride. Sunday, September 03, 2006, 6:19 PM There's this black cat trying to force-hump my white Furball. She's not even on heat yet. He's been chasing her for 3 days already, having tried to hump her by ambush more than 10 times. She's a tough cookie, so he hasn't really been successful. But he's really horny so he's not giving up. Perhaps Furball just doesn't do interracials. Had a family barbecue yesterday. Lola came along and helped with the kitchen duties. It was quite fun. The food, fire and weather were great! I miss my old ride, but as whorey as i can be, i'm up and running with a new one already. A TA200, my old TA150's successor. It's more like a downgrade despite the higher CC difference, as TA150's a 2-stroker, while TA200 is a 4-stroker. It's plate characters and numbers are lame, the colour is a bit of a bore, the exhaust pipe's chrome was excessively overheated before, vibrates like a mother*- and picks up like a whale on land. But! It's new, sounds thunderous and bass-y (oooh i love the bass), in very stock condition, a lot lighter than TA150 (i kinda struggled with the lightness at first), an electric-starter, and most of all, its fuel consumption is about half of bloody TA150! Win some, lose some. Will be pimping it by/once the semester ends. It's so boring and bald now. [Tagboard Replies] [Keith] Aiyer, sorry, slow.. Forgot the oldskool IRC languages. [Fizo] Cool, is it in stock condition or is it pimped? [Cady] Huh. Ok. [Adilah] Eh, if you're serious about the kittens, SMS me. I'll give you the address for you to collect some (while 'stocks' last). [Kelly] Time is money, hahaa. [Dee] 6 times?! Damn... Hope i won't match or beat your high record, hurhur. |
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