Mind rumble. Tuesday, November 29, 2005, 10:45 PM My mind's full of thoughts and whispers now. Suddenly everything seems to be flying in from all angles, defying the reality of time. I'm so bothered with many things currently; some of which i've cleared, some half-done, while others plain untouched. There's a possibility of wonderful news in the end, but for now, the anticipation, hope and fear is overwhelming. Great power does come with great responsibility. Was feeling down and troubled, couldn't get myself to go to school for the DT meeting today. Can any of you tell me if anyone had taken diaries for us absentees? Thanks. Went to Burlington Square to get repairs for my TCL camera, which is on warranty. Bloody hell, the shop has moved and the contact number's as good as cowdung. Very annoyed, there's only a few days left on the warranty. [Tagboard Replies] [Nicole] I think Dr Hema will go easier with you guys. She did our test papers wayyy difficult, it doesn't make sense. All the best though :P [YuanQi] Did you move your URL or like, shut it down or something? Your link here has been directing me to a dead end. Moolah woes. Friday, November 25, 2005, 11:58 PM Got my results. Very disappointed. End. Anyhow, guess Pinggyy is damn right. More income means more expenditure. I'm struggling, or at least about to. How to get a Phantom with front crash bar, sissy bar, 3 headlights, leather side bags (or boxes) and elevated forks? Going to sell most of my treasured possessions soon (maybe), to allow a path for a decent bike - which i intend to keep for 1 year and then apply for my dream Steed bike. Kept asking myself, is it worth it? Most of the time, i feel desperate and i'm willing to give up my items just to get it. Saving starts NOW. And by saving, it includes selling. Lots of selling. Money is evil. ps: To that someone who approached me with your ego and ridiculously insufficient knowledge about the topic you brought up, do learn a bit more, okay? If not, just pronate yourself to the floor. [Tagboard Replies] [Mas] You are very much welcomed. Everyone, Mas has a new blog layout! Anyway, there wasn't any 'problem' at all, you just didn't figure it out. If you want the song to autoplay, i'll do it for you, but bare in mind it's annoyance rate. [YuanQi] What a unique choice of books you picked... And i thought Harry Potter's different enough. Hehe =P [All] Thanks for visiting. Remember, don't go against what you know you can't beat, for the purpose of fame and attention. Progress progress progress progress. Tuesday, November 22, 2005, 11:58 PM Riding in the rain is challenging. Skidded like a mofo after slight application of brakes. Was clever enough not to fall. Did Mas' blog layout. She intended to use [forgot who, a hardcore blogskins.com contributor]'s piece but the HTML the person did was bullshit. Cleaned, revamped and rearranged my room right after fetching Lola from school. Took me around 3 hours. The whole work process is supposed to take the whole of my 4-week break but i procrastinated till... Tonight! It's not done yet though, still have another 50% of work to do. The thing is, i purchased an IBM computer for my personal use, to be placed in my room. It has an LCD screen (it's the model from SHS Labs 123). Bought it for only $300. Dad bought a similar piece for himself for the same price. Brother wants it too but there were no more available. I'm all sneezy now, thanks to the numerous evil dust balls. It's the only time i didn't spring-clean without my N-95. DT peeps, you people should try using it when working with dust. You'll be invincible, it's sweet. [Tagboard Replies] [Pinggyy] Recovering well :) [Hilmie] Ah, then tell us when y'all jamming uh, we see each other play. 1 hour to 1 hour, we book the same room for 2 hours. [YuanQi] You do? You type like you have experience :S [Ijah] Yea he started them all when i mentioned the need to give him Local Anasthesia (inject to numb the specific area) before i do further cleaning. So unlucky.. [All] Was intending to blog yesterday, but stupid Firewall refused to allow internet access and to turn itself off. Thanks for tagging along :) Thank you, Roy. Saturday, November 19, 2005, 11:53 AM ManUtd fans feel blue now. Thanks for the 12 years of world class performances, Roy Keane. Glad to see his testimonial full of respect and gratitude. Don't know what else to say.. Bring on Aldo Ducher! Wasn't feeling like myself at NDC today. Somewhat, Roy leaving affected me a lot (heh). My HepB patient gave up on dental treatment right after scaling. He feels fucked enough in life, having so many health problems and got pissed he has to maintain them every damn time while there's no absolute permanent prevention to different conditions from occuring. Tired of all the numerous medications he takes plus the insulin injections he gives himself daily. I feel sad, coz i've failed to motivate him. At the same time, sad too, because of his situation. What if it was you? He didn't really 'give up' on life though. I hope for the best in his fishing career. [Tagboard Replies] [Keith] Hahah, when there's conflict, United HIM Nations promotes love. [Kelly] Thank you. I don't like blue. [YuanQi] She actually did it. [Liza] Thank you. Was listening to the song and i was like, what the hell, it's good enough :P [Mie] Yea, doing so-so.. Jamming, don't know man. Hahhh. Aku nak tengok Feez ngan Lip jam. Ko group dorang tak? [Ijah] Who knows, you want me to see how similar they are to Lola and i... [Cady] Green rules =) Aiya, just need a change so this is it for now. [All]Thanks for visiting, it helped ManUtd win 3-1. New look. Thursday, November 17, 2005, 11:36 PM Whee! New layout! Spent around 2 hours on it, first time using FreeHand; solely! I'm not too excited about it though. I have a feeling i'll change it soon enough. By the way, i like the top-right Fred Perry marrying the heartagram. Bahh okay. Am using ImageShack for the moment, because WebSamba's down. Anyone who's it's regular? It's weird how easy it can be used. Anyhow, i realized you can remotelink pictures via Friendster too ;) Silly them, we can use up their bandwidth. [Tagboard Replies] [Mellie] Hi! I do, i changed the link already. [YuanQi] Thanks! See you on Saturday =) For Ancelot. Tuesday, November 15, 2005, 10:17 PM 3 things occupying my head right now. Class 2B license. Wasn't as easy as i thought. A little demoralising. Fiz got himself into a slight tumble. It's not the end yet. Lola. This part is always occupying. Last but not least... Sainatra?! Whoa, that's huge. Rayer outing with Marceles was fun on the overall, even considering the fact that i joined in very late due to attachment. Rayer outing with AI-Dulu was quite a success i shall say, but was slightly disappointing due to the strength and Reyd's cranky video recorder. Ate a hell lot. [Tagboard Replies] [Liza] Hahaha! What the hell? I didn't know people can resemble each other that way. Anyway, i don't smoke, the stock was actually me biting a chocolate bar but i was lazy to draw it. [Fyza] Yes i do! Thanks, same to you! Take care. [Wanie] Aye, Syazwanie? Is that you? Well anyway, no, i use Macromedia FreeHand.. Pathetic tool i shall say, that's why i tend to do more cartoons, less shades. Been wanting to get a cheap copy of PSPro or Adobe Illustrator but... Ntah eh. [Pinggyy] Thanks for being a good assistant last week. Will link you up as soon as i can :) [Ijah] I saw a replica of you too! At Mandai, but it was a giraffe... Hahahahaha kidding!!! Did you take a picture of them? [Cady] Are you insane?! Do you?! [All] Thanks lah you all for coming and tagging =) Vector crazy. Thursday, November 10, 2005, 2:34 AM I've dismissed the idea of painting my room. Figured i don't have -that- much time, owing to addiction of vector art. Created 3 pictures in 3 days, plus 1 trial which took me 2 hours only, coz the points don't have curves. Let me post them up! ![]() The trial, stock image is me during raya. (I think it's ugly and badly done). ![]() Stupid face with tongue out, at Mersing with Lola. ![]() Smoking kills. ![]() My latest work so far, stock was back in February this year. Pictures are downsized to accomodate friendster's sucky image compression (yes, even after clicking the thumbnails to see the 'actual view', it's still a downsized version). They're nicer when they're bigger. If you want samples in their actual size, i'll give you the flash version. Thank you for viewing! Freedom shines. Saturday, November 05, 2005, 2:37 PM HA-HA-HA. I am free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The exams have been such a bitch; spoilt my Raya enthusiasm and scarred me with pimples and oral ulcers. The papers were extremely difficult this semester though; never have i been beaten so badly - especially by the MCQs, which are out to kill people i think. I refrained from peeing in my pants and i'm confident i won't be a Sup-Paper candidate. That's all i can predict, because i know the A's won't come this time and it upsets me. Even the B's have to be clinched with some luck. This 4 weeks (minus fucked Saturday mornings due to NDC attachments) are free for me to relax, reflect, revamp my room to an uber cool heartagrammo and spend time with Lola. AI-dulu outing is being arranged, and i think 13th's the best date. I've messaged the guys, i'm not sure about how Khai does it with the girls as for now. I'll do what i can. [Tagboard Replies] [Cady] I was late because i went for a shit. As i was shitting, i thought, shit, i'm late. [Ijah] Thanks for the 'all the best'! I needed luck but i guess that boosted my morale. Anyway i grew but i'm still short. Shut up =P [Hanah] Hahaha, thought of that too, but really, they didn't. [Pinggyy] Thanks for the advice, will remind myself next semester :) Anyway, couldn't get to your blog. Did you change or shut it down or something? [Nicole] Easier said than done... With Raya and all that. Rayer to you too! [Arthur] Hey~ Yea, thanks! [Frezz] Same to you! =) [Queen] Stuck to my word ;) [All] Selamat Raya all! And belated Deepavali for the Indians who visit my blog. |
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