Escape to the big scream! Sunday, November 28, 2004, 2:23 PM My lovely Jane of Tarzan and i went to get ourselves some thrilling rides for the experience of it together, yesterday. It was fun shiat! But could have been better, if not for her 5 mysterious points ;) Well at least we came back with stuff we won. I had a Dexter figurine while she had this cute long-tailed monkey plush toy. Sometimes i feel tempted to type about all the mushy thingies between her and i, but i kinda want to keep it private... But i just have to type this! Babe, one of the few greatest things i did in my life is to latch onto you. Heart you :) [Tag Replies] [Mas] *Shuts Up* Haha.. Cya! [Keith] You're on. Play simple yet fun songs. [Faezah] 15 and 16 is different uh.. What happened to ur maths? Hahah. Anyway, Ijah, the number 1 i-cannot-see-background-image person locally, is you. Chillin' the most. Friday, November 26, 2004, 11:58 PM Exam results are (finally) out!!! 4A's, 1B+, 1B and 1C. The credit thingy, 3.4 something something. I'm pissed with the C grade but i guess it's good enough since it's sucha a bitch of a module. Went jamming with the guys yesterday. Farhan tagged along. It's been ages since we did so and it's one of the few bubbled ideas shared that became a reality. Rounded portions of Bugis today. Recent movies seem so dull and humdrum, so the impromptu movie idea was scraped. Got myself two ringers though, i like =) My personal maiden's going through one of the roughest times ever. The best thing ever right now, is to make cheery moments as much as required to overcome the negative outcomes of the situation(s). Next week's gonna be hectic shiat. Happy Holidays, hahaha. [Tag Replies] [Faezah] Bet they'll scratch every inch of your skin if i had given them to you. Haha... Anyway, it's more than you think/i told you! It's sixteen! [Wana] Hey! Doing great here. And you? Results good? Ex-AI Outing for Whackos! Wednesday, November 24, 2004, 1:17 AM The outing with the fellow ex-AI mates was good, though last year's was more hip due to the strength of our numbers and the strictness in the duration of time we spent in houses. But it was fun and the food were great :) We did few videos just like last year, but only 3 stood out - The Aliff Disappears After A Group Hempap, The Tak Kesah Anak Mati Asalkan Dapat Medal Sudah (featuring Pai's crocodile), and the super duper Teleport from the 2nd to the first floor! The Salam That Went Wrong was a bit too cliche but nice try, ahaha. Reyd, Fiz, Pai and i saw and discovered a few amazing yet funny things over at Liza's, and somehow we are beaten real good. Whahah. Piz wore a shoulder-padded kurung like me, while lovebirds Fridaus and Anis were all Tinky Winky with each other. But the main highlight in terms of clothings, Keith! He freakin' wore a long-sleeved Turkey jersey on the inside, and an oversized African-like shirt on the outside. "Aku takder baju laaaaaaaaaa," he says, even before we managed to ask. My place was the last stop, and it's where we viewed the last and this year's vids. It's amazing how 1 year can really change us physically (we looked really young in 2003 sak). Some of us want to continue out trip to houses we didn't manage to visit, next week. Who wants to follow? We'll arrange and go, no hassles. Taggers, thank you guys :) I'm over it already... I was hard hit by the 4 cats last time but not this time around anymore. Ultimatum. Sunday, November 21, 2004, 11:55 PM I was in absolute s-h-o-c-k upon receiving an ultimatum. It's the heaviest load i've ever encountered recently and it's gonna take at least a while. ![]() ![]() Apologies to Tea and other cats-happy friends who are looking forward to meeting Bowie and Simba for Rayer. My parents decided to release them after finding it hard to maintain the house with them (compared to the 4 cats i used to have, 1997-2000). I was against the idea, but indeed it was harder this time, i don't know why. So it's done, they're left with the half-full pack of Friskies biscuits i bought last week and will roam around the streets of Marsiling. Simba, the shirt-sucking, golden brown, innocent, lazy, cute, low-profiled, handsome kit. Bowie, the 50-bucks SPCA prodigy, all black, rawk-voiced meows, always hungry for chicken, will never stop bugging someone to sleep beside him, attention-seeking, super fighter. I'll miss you two man... Wished i never knew them at all. Fight well okay? Holy fuck, i'm sad :( Sneezy pew. Friday, November 19, 2004, 11:53 PM Went out with Barbie today and had quite a tiring yet joyful time. She was sneezing real bad on the aftermath, poor thing. It's cute when she sneezes though. She was having menses (i've a phobia of girls-on-menses) and i tackled every situation right; thus she wasn't cranky one bit at any point of time! WHO THE MAN???!!! Championship Manager's been taking my time again, lately. Yes, the addiction is back! More than the love of sniffing petrol smells or fetish fantasies of goats. Keith, you want long-lasting game? CM doesn't have an ending => Can't wait for their latest version, FM5. I'll get the pirated one of course. Spend so much for a game? That's fucked~ Undope~ Marceles versus Mayon is being arranged. Match might be on Wednesday. I smell butter on corn already. AI FRIENDS: Hey i hope we travel fast so we can like, visit many people, including those who can't join us, yea? WDP FRIENDS: Update me on the outing plans okay, but try not to get the Mats with us. Jehaha. Oh lastly, tagboard's back, so go vandalize it any way you want. Rayer! Thursday, November 18, 2004, 3:18 PM Okay okay okay! I'll blog already! Rayer has been occupying my time big-time and it's the first time i didn't feel uneasy being able to eat during the day. Hey i hope the AI outing will be super. Rayer still isn't complete yet, i still want to visit several relatives. Collection-wise, i'm satisfied, but more is always heaven, heee. My blog's slow to load, so i can't see my taggy just as yet. Will reply to tags later! Tomorrow ends starvation masquerade. Friday, November 12, 2004, 11:57 PM Many people tagged, wow! Kewlness! Today was a tad bit tiring. Helped around the house, got loads of dust rollercoasting into my nasal system. Fucking hell... Tomorrow's the last day of fasting and Sunday's already Rayer. I bought a 2nd set of kurungs yesternight, with who else. It's dirty green, cheap and is altered by Mum. I also got her a fantabulous black top :) I realized Rayer is troublesome. If not for the money (hehe) i would've been the grinch of Rayer. Befriend me okay, Rayer? [Tag Replies] [Saku] Your hands hurt? Then it's okay then... (My id says "LazyAss!" though) [Lix] Haha, just make sure your last meal is at least 2 hours before playing. [Liza] I want to see you out with us for Rayer! >:( [Keith] Hahah... After Rayer i propose. Set set. [Faezah] Cheebye... LoL. [Sugaaa] So long as they don't stink, ha! [Strangers] Thanks! Do tell me if you linked me, okay? [All] Thanks for visiting, friends and strangers alike! Selamat Hari Rayer to everyone! Street soccer showdown. Wednesday, November 10, 2004, 11:36 PM Yesternight's Street Soccer show with Marceles FC was insane, tiring and superb! Got to play in an environment full of talents, and to think my team was among the best in terms of performance and win-lose ratio is making me fly. Farhan was a superb goalkeeper, while Kicap, my ex-COE teammate tagged me upfront, with Nusantara's Wan (the super StraitUp'02 rivalmate) covering the back. We then decided on a date to go out for Raya. It'll be wonderful to see Mayon FC against Marceles FC. Helped my mum make some kuehs just now. None are fantastic as my mum isn't the kueh type of person. I didn't know Batang Buruk was -that- chicken of a feed. I hope Rayer outings with friends this year will rock my socks off. I hope she has a wonderful Rayer too. Preparations. Tuesday, November 09, 2004, 2:34 PM Been going out everyday and will be doing so too later in the night, to join Marceles FC for some street-soccer cum Rayer gathering discussions. Watched Shark Tale yesterday with Fiona. It was a good show, but not certainly a must-watch. It's kinda overrated in my opinion, with the voice cast members and everything else. Some people don't like KFC's Tom Yam chicken, but i lurve it :S Brought Fiona back to my Tampines home so my Ibu can check her size to alter her kurung. She was a nervous wreck despite me telling Ibu she's just a friend. Kinda cute, really. Glad it went okay :) Rayer preparations are very slow-going here. The kuehs seem like they can be finished on day 3. The house is still not done. I have only 1 set of kurungs for this year, so i might have to loop with past years' ones. My brother hasn't even gotten his yet. Vacation!!! Saturday, November 06, 2004, 11:59 PM Vacation time baybee!!! Exams was okay, though BioScience was like a slapping bunch of trouts. I've been spending the holiday time splendidly so far, though it's been only 1 day, haha. Finally met Heartshape after a loooong time feasting my eyes on paperwork! Was guilty of showing off too much of my feelings i think, haha. I had a haircut, aye. Haha~ Thought i'd want a new haircut and was ready to give it a shot, no matter what style it is. Heartshape was unsure about my decision because she actually waited months for my hair to grow long again, just like the days before i dreadlocked. I feel so much cooler and lighter on the head now. Well... She was amazed and very excited over it when she got to see it. She said i look like Toro :S Her handphone got stolen in the Geylang's Tanjong Plaza Complex female toilet. A mixture of slight carelessness and a spot-and-run situation. Unlucky. Whoever stole it gained nothing anyway. A cheap phone, 6-cents worth of card balance and a list of phone numbers of people she doesn't know. I wouldn't want to curse upon anyone death at this time of the month, so... I just hope the person who stole it falls from her window while trying to wipe it clean on the outside and breaks her back, being paralysed waist down. Exam blues? Tuesday, November 02, 2004, 10:37 PM Apologies for the absence! I was and am busy with the exams more than i thought i would/will be! Yep, i need lots of resting time. Hahaha. Simba's been sick. Got a new television. Been leaving early in exams. Man Utd shouldn't have bought Rooney. Guitars are dusty. Boots are too... Where are they anyway? 2 papers away from vacation! Rayer approaching! Missing Mermaid too muchos already! Oh yes, all the best for the O' Levels studs! Don't fall ok! |
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