Week-long HIATUS. Sunday, October 30, 2005, 4:03 AM I'll be on a week-long hiatus, with exams bombarding from all angles. (Only) 3, i shall say. Bracketed, because one shall never misjudge the small size of the number, for he might get hit by it's size in other areas ;) Like weight! Bitch! Never have i been this bothered and exams-stressed before. Couldn't seem to memorize well nor could i spot any questions (because every damn thing on the notes are matter-of-fact)! Feeling bad because i didn't and couldn't help out much with Raya preparations around the house (except to comment on kuehs, heh), bothered with making money, and to make things worse - ManUtd just got thrashed. Wish me best of wishes, people, i need a bit of miracle. Hopefully i do good for the exams.. Just not feeling it this Semester, honestly. Will reply to taggers when i get back! Face the music. Wednesday, October 26, 2005, 10:40 PM I'm getting stressed day by day. What's worse is, it's not connected with studies. Break week. Sunday, October 23, 2005, 11:26 PM My short break week is in. I've waited long and hard for this, to relax; but i know, i can't slack too much. Modules this year are a real bitch. Went to the DT Year 3's Project Presentation on Friday (last day of school this semester). Good job to the cartoon group and fascinating idea by the news casting one. No more comments, hope my group will perform a lot better. DVDs of all 4 seasons of Coupling has been delivered to me and i couldn't be anymore happier. Priceless! Bought a kurung with Lola at Geylang the other day. I didn't care what colour it was. I just picked a suitable size and paid, hah! Raya enthusiasm. Grew taller, evident by the recent shortening of most of my jeans. Quite frustrated as i need to reinstall a whole new clan of them. I've been doing just that, whopping up crazy deals over fantastic brands like Lee, Polo Ralph Lauren and Levi's. [Tagboard Replies] [Keith] Haha, crewcut with a flying V upfront. [Liza] It's not a tail, it's actually just a mullet-like back fringe. [Ijah] The white packages contain some original DVDs which i ordered online, the brown one, a cool ringer tee ;) [Cady] Hello bestie =) [Stranger] Got URL? [Kelly] It's just so not me. Anyway, nice dye. Very spicy. Stupid haircut and the packages. Tuesday, October 18, 2005, 10:49 PM My stupid new haircut. ![]() Went to Defrance but they were fully booked with appointments (dammit) so i decided to trust those typical auntie barber shops. Bad mistake. Thinking of going very crewcut to get rid of the junk the auntie made of my hair. So thin like CRAP. Well anyway, got my first 2 packages today! ![]() And look how BrownPaperPackage packaged their item! ![]() So nice and sweet, in brown paper! Currently flying with the quality of the items =) Clueless. Sunday, October 16, 2005, 11:54 PM I was compiling my Dental Hygiene notes to clean up my room (which was messed up badly with clothes, school notes and junk all over the floor) when i realised - BLOODY HELL! SO MUCH TO STUDY! I recently purchased an Epiphone ES300 guitar, black body with white pick guards, 3 single coils. Got it from this cool guy called Stanley, who sold it to me for only $150 despite only having it for 2 years with infrequent usage, and a cost price of $450. Love the sound and weight. Came with a cable and a zen leather bag. Will be purchasing a Behringer amp somewhen early next year, together with a wall guitar stand just to make my room funkier. My MuVo^2 is rockin' in eBay. I have a customer who SMS-ed me for a quick transaction. Going to do the trade tomorrow noon, so for those who've been eyeing it (sorry Joyce), tell me before noon :) A Nigerian potential-buyer called regarding my Philips Cordless headphones too. He was busy and discussion will presume after today i guess. Business. Saturday, October 15, 2005, 11:58 PM I'm like, so looking forward to the end of Raya. Yes, THE END of it. There's too much things to do, too many uncertainties at the moment. The auction of the MuVo is up on eBay Singapore already, had a cancelled highest bid at $250 but there's still time. Root Planed my patient with no LA. Did my best not to make it painful for him. He took it like a man that he is. Felt i did well, and so did DrChristina. Hue Min was my assistant, and she was superb. Condolences to our man from MJ, it really affected me. AUCTION POST Friday, October 14, 2005, 10:00 AM White MuVo^2 FM 5GB for $189!!! ![]() Player is 100% condition. Only 1 month of infrequent usage. 11 months left on warranty. Certainly value for money! Selling due to upgrading to a bigger player. Front plastic cover still intact. No scratches. U.P. is $449. Price during the September fest was $239. More details and specifications HERE. Includes entire set of Package Contents. Winning bidder to contact within 24 hours of auction closing. Auction ends on Sunday, 16th Oct, 12:00noon. Contact Yas at theyasman@gmail.com. How to bid: My tagboard on the left OR email me. If you wish to SMS, ask for my number by emailing me, to avoid spam (unless you know my number already). Bid increments are strictly by $10. If you wish for me to close auction early, contact me with a suitable price. Direct bidding of $239 closes bid early. The item will be auctioned at eBay after auction closes without sale. Tell your friends! Auction closed. Sunday, October 09, 2005, 11:23 PM Apologies for those interested in the MuVo^2 FM. It's a great deal, i know, but i have to retreat due to some problems (some of which are personal) i encountered. I don't do things when they are accompanied by bad aura. It's just one of those signs, you know? Anyway, i lost, and i'm down the pits. MJFC won TP 3-0 on away ground. It was a great match, but i missed 4 awful chances like a mofo, while one nicely finished goal i scored was ridiculously disallowed for offside. Sorry guys, i'll improve, it's just that it's been long since i've played upfront. My composure's begging to pop. TP's huge, with acres of land being wasted. Sorry, just jealous. Apologies again, people. There IS a probability of the auction reopening, but till now, no news. Super 16. Wednesday, October 05, 2005, 10:42 PM Yesterday was super 16 and Lola lined up a simple surprise for me which got me touched on the inside. Felt regretful we didn't snap up enough pictures. The place was beautiful and the gift was exactly what i needed. I'm sorry for being tired at the end of the day. Lola had a gigantic task upon seeing me yesterday - to cheer me up. I thought i did badly for OpTech Practicals. Was feeling very disappointed with myself, and adding on to the misery was DrVee's comments, saying he's "very, very, damn disappointed,". It pressurized if not all, most of us. I think it's the DrVee factor. He smiles and laughs but who knows what's creeping from within. I was so upset with my work that i kept thinking of giving up. I was ready to come back for re-test, anticipating a possible failure. I missed school today, and Mastura told me i got a B+ for it. I was shocked and wasn't excited at all. Grateful, yes; but i honestly think i don't deserve it. Miraculous, a fluke. It was one of my worst works ever and it's just so not me. Perhaps Carmen was right, they don't need to look good, they just need the necessary features. A function over aesthetics concept. Adding on, sat beside Cady during OralMed lesson after the OralMed test. Laughed a lot with her, especially the crap about Wisdom Teeth!! HAHAHA!!! [Taggy Replies] [Kelly] Your 'hiatus' titled blog entry, stick to it. If the flow goes down, don't go with it. Nor should you leave it. Bring it back up, where it should be. [Lix] The Riding Simulator should cost that much. The functions are way cool. Tests. Tuesday, October 04, 2005, 12:58 PM Did OralMedicine test just now. Wasn't too good for me, i didn't spot questions at all. Hopefully i don't get lower than a B. Will sit for my OpTech Practical test in a bit. All the best to me! Going Geylang after school today. I'm feeling green this year =) |
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