Accidency. Sunday, May 28, 2006, 10:52 PM 2 things to cover for this post: My minor accident, and X-Men III! Had a negative encounter with a fucked up FEMALE DRIVER yesterday, along the bendy roads of Dhoby Ghaut area. The road's lanes were deviated to the left at the junction, and once the lights turned green, the side of her red Nissan kissed my right side of the bike. She basically tried to save up some time and petrol by manouvering the lane in a straight form. It was a low-speed accident which caused: 1) My right ring finger to swell at the median metatarsal. 2) My right footpad to bend downwards, beyond function. 3) Loosening of my right mirror. 4) Horrible psychoemotional disturbance to Lola. 5) LOTS of paint damage to her car! So fuck off, bitch!! She stayed in her car as i neutralised my gear beside her. Gave her a fucked up look and she went out to flap back open her left mirror (which was hit shut by mine). Claimed "It's not my fault!" and didn't seem interested to get monetary compensation from me. She looked rather weak and scared. I asked for her to spare me some cash to get my damages fixed but she drove off. Got her license plate number, but nothing much can be done. Figured it's her loss anyway, my repairs are a lot cheaper than bloody paintwork. I'm very thankful to be fine, along with Lola. My finger's still bad but it's okay. Getting the bike fixed tomorrow. AhKoon might give a huge discount as i'll be having many stuff done. Okay, 2nd topic, X-Men 3! Damn it, the movie rocks balls! 9/10!! Go watch it, Marvel freaks and not! [Tagboard Replies] [Liza] Yea... Supervisors at work are constantly asking me to get it cut. [YuanQi] Seems like it's the opposite =( [Sugaaa] Thank you!!! I appreciate that! [Cady] I never knew birds poo on flowers. [Tea] It should come with the exact date it comes, coz i'm still waiting for the damn rezeki. [Joyce] You tag like the way you walk. Haha! Anyway, i AM lucky to partner you. Willing to stand and bend awkwardly while assisting. I shed tears for you but you didn't see it. Viva la DaVinci. Sunday, May 21, 2006, 4:17 PM Caught The Da Vinci Code yesterday. Full of twists and events, definitely a great watch. I don't know what those who've read the book will say though. Minutes before the movie, a bird found it's bullseye target on my Adideng shoulder. ![]() Ha! Loser. VTX, baby. Wednesday, May 17, 2006, 11:08 PM I've fixed my new VTX headlights on Crimson. Fantastic outlook, man! Fierce! Will post pictures when i get my camera back from Lola. Took the chance to fix a new stoplight bulb and tighten my chain. Went home, cleaned and polished the life out of it, until it was painful to the eyes under the sun. I forgot to blog about Lola and i having dinner at Swensens the other day. After our meals, we decided to share one Banana Split. Matin (ex-AI) who works there, served us 2 sets of those, claiming there was an error with some other customers' order and he was told to send the extra one to the kitchen - but gave it to us instead. Cool! Apparently the error was due to a "Bonanza Split" and not a Banana Split. Weird. I did a vector on Lola. I personally think it's one of my best works so far. It is viewable on my Gallery linked on the right, below my tagboard. Comments appreciated =) [Tagboard Replies] [Joyce] I knew you'd be excited. Sorry for the delay.. [Ijah] The sale is off, haha! Sorry... Anyways, is Roy in Nursing too? The 'Jack' thing is really weird to me. [Liza] It was pure luck, i totally bumped into it, haha. [Cady] She really might be a ghost. A cornrow ghost. Holiday schedules? Monday, May 15, 2006, 9:52 AM I've done 2 blog layouts half-heartedly within the past hour. Disliked the outcomes of both and scrapped off the idea of a new layout; or at least until mid-June. Got my links and archives updated - Finally, Joyce is linked! =) Sent my bike for a professional bike-washing service yesterday. This guy's known for thorough cleaning and the charges aren't cheap - Which was why i wanted him to wash only the rear tyre rims (for a fraction of the price) which were infested with gross crap and excess chain lube. He did an astonishing job! From matt, yucky brown-black to sparkling steel! Awesome. Went out to accompany Lola on her shopping mission for the weekends. Got some stuff for myself too, including a pair of black corduroy pants for attachment. It was on sale at $16, originally being $59.90. Ha! My Deviantart Gallery is up for clicking already, on the right division, under the tagboard. Do check it out! [Tagboard Replies] [Liza] I did grey long ago, then i lost interest in it, though i find it nice. Thanks for the suggestion, won't be changing any sooner i guess. [Kelly] It was all jammy when i was on the way back. Was busy probing the roads, didn't see you along the stretch, so i guessed you escaped it. We shall race one day, sure, haha! [Dee] Done that. Cheers :] Sentosa aftermath. Sunday, May 07, 2006, 11:39 PM Was glad my bike was safe after parking at a relatively high-risk area at Harbourfront, susceptible to fines and/or theft by foreign workers. I still do not understand why bikes cannot enter Sentosa. Very silly. Costa Sands' chalet at Sentosa was the worst one i've been to, with external amenities and facilities very far away from the area, and the internal ones being straight-up ridiculous and old. Accessibility was a big down factor. We did the best of what we can afford to. I understood several classmates better. Most importantly, i had more fun than expected, regardless being inside or outside the room. The card games were the best :) FuTian taught me the Mahjong, i learnt several other games too. Made the best fire i ever did for any barbecue, with the help of Yusri's effective multi-firestarter ignition techniques and FuTian's charcoal-breaking strength. Got complimented by our neighbouring pit-ers till they wanted to takeover the pit once we're done, as ours are still burning the good heat. This is a very boring entry, eh. [Tagboard Replies] [Joyce] Orange?! Cool! Anymore colour suggestions for the blog, people?! [Cady] Whatever! I'll let it stay within me! Anyway, good volleyballing, counterpart! Sentosa. Saturday, May 06, 2006, 1:20 PM I'll be leaving for Sentosa for the DT04 post-exams chalet today, and will return tomorrow night. Had a gigantic dinner with Lola yesterday. She over-ordered and i did my best in attempting to finish her share. (Unrelated to the previous mini-paragraph) I've gained around 5lbs of weight during the break week, due to oversleeping, couch-potatoing and lack of motivation to go gym with FuTian. It's kind of obvious where it went to. The attachments are back in, but i like it. It's like a break, with some clinical practice. You do your work, but at the same time, think of your free time. Ahh.. Nice. For this grades-worrying aftermath period, i've planned several things to do: 1) Learn Photoshop from head to toe. (Or at least, all required for my Vector styles). 2) Get my bike done up. 3) Make a new skin for this blog (any color suggestions??) 4) Clean up my room. 5) Relearn my guitar. 6) Sell many stuff online, which are still yet to be posted. 7) Exercise regularly. 8) Do at least 10 vectors (any of you with good quality, high resolution, sharp pictures who may want to get yourselves vectorised, send your pictures to me). [Tagboard Replies] [Ijah] Thanks, but i didn't, haha. Take a picture of that senior of yours, okay? [Kelly] I read your blog. It's HUGE! Well, as for me, if i have to go, i'll go... Heh. You bit yourself anyway! What's cancerous about that :P Becks. Thursday, May 04, 2006, 12:49 AM Today celebrates a negative of 1 of 2 three hundred and sixty-fives. Fetched 2 items for Crimson's mini make-over today. I just realised that Singapore's bikes are at risk of being the most ridiculously looking ones - thanks to the damned IU and Probation Plates. Didn't memorise Piaget for today's essay. Not a smart move, or rather, ridiculously unlucky. My huge ulcer on my upper anterior lip is recurring. Hurts like a tuscaloosca egg yolk on a frying pan. [Tagboard Replies] [Liza] Is that a private joke or something? Coz i don't get it :S Exam week. Tuesday, May 02, 2006, 1:08 AM Tomorrow starts my examination week. This phase certainly does not feel normal at all. The mugging doesn't feel as urgent and scary. I'm not confident either. Falling asleep too often too. Perhaps it's due to the early demoralisation, thanks to the existence of projects instead of oldschool ICA tests. Research Methods results are out, and i'm damn unhappy with mine. Let's do this. [Tagboard Replies] [Kaz] What an idiot... If i'm to serve terms, i'd rather steal a Class2 sportsbike and not waste my few mins with a damn RXZ :P [Liza] Haha... Sorry... He didn't buy my insurance premium, so no chance. Hey, you're working, you buy for him la! [HuiPing] The psychosexual's Freud. Sorry for the confusion. |
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