End of placement. Tuesday, November 28, 2006, 11:24 PM Tomorrow marks the last day of my current partnership with Ang Wei Wei at HPB. I know i've been a lazy partner, i assist like an ass, and i'm really sorry... It was really fun having you as my partner :) My next partner will be Wen Xiu! I still have the awkward feeling of having awkward times in the future with her, but the same went for AWW, so i guess it will go fine. Will be at Op3. Was at Op17. From Fandi to Fandi vintage (get it?). Results for this placement sucks. It somehow reflects on my attitude and effort for this semester, and dammit, HuiPinko is right. I shall not be complacent just as yet, one more semester to hang on for! My bike's makeover is slowly going through. Winthur the paint master is finally back after his overseas studies. Fixed my Anchor Crash Bar (it looks damn fierce) and my super loud twintone horns. The horns are as loud as those in trucks, so don't piss me off on the road! Would love to do some pranks on friends and old aunties with it. It had a minor wiring problem at first, during the installation process. When it was sorted out and the horn button was pressed, AhKoon and i went temporarily deaf for about 27 seconds. Mean green machine. Tuesday, November 21, 2006, 12:13 AM From turqoise-blue to ogre-green. My eyesight's depleting more and more so i figured making my blog green might help. Help to report bugs, kay? I reflected a lot today. Joanie should've won. Hady's video stinks bad. Out to play soccer yesterday. There was a little mystery to my behaviour, some sort of adrenaline junkie. I... Overdid Creatinine and had RedBull before the exertion. Sorry to those who got attacked by my crazed woobalankas. It was fun though, i felt like sprinting home. [Tagboard Replies] [Nisa] Lola's just an alias for my blog. Her name's Lisa ;) And yeah, go ahead post it up :P Haha, long lost friend~ As long as your boy doesn't get angry over it (of course he won't). And no doubt, i did get the right Nisa. I remembered your P1 face :S [Keith] And also grass. Good for your eyes. [Lola] Yeah. Do you know the previous turqoise one stayed on for a year already?! Rayer Aftermath. Saturday, November 18, 2006, 10:59 AM Those still going out for Raya this weekend are probably going to get teased by now. As the month of Raya is closing, i shall post up some of them unposted pictures ;) Click for full view. Out with Lola. ![]() ![]() 1. Not too happy with the full body shots of us due to my itching eyes - it swelled that day. 2. Cool eh? Just before sending Lola home. Rayer with AI-Dulu (aka #StraitUp. Retro beb!) ![]() This is the only picture i have for now, and to think i fetched it off Piz's Friendster account! Goodness! Fadhli and Keith joined us right after this place. We also did our usual video-ing, not so much this year but the ideas got more creative. Took 2 cars, Tea's and Pai's. We shall have a bigger one next year!! Hope more people comes! Marceles Juniors Rayer + Our girlfriends ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() As usual, we hired a big bus to teleport us everywhere. Lots of food - At every damn house! And they are GOOD food! Atmosphere was great and we were very colourful. END (sorry, kinda abrupt i know). Lazy to continue. Enjoy. Tag-Board dot Com has officially been hacked! Thursday, November 09, 2006, 10:54 PM As the title goes! It's official. CPanel users, log into the site for ultimate loss of all intelligence. Tag-BoardDOTcom faithfuls (like me!! Hardcore!!!), kindly just change ALL the '.com' that follows after every 'tag-board' in the scripted codes to '.biz' . It's their temporary domain and they're fighting for their dotCom back as you read this. No other taggies match the flexibility of customizing power of Tag-BoardDOTcom, or temporarily, DOTbiz. It's one for the real customizers! Other taggies either suck or are too template-y, very gay indeed. For more information regarding the hacking, waste 4 minutes of your life here. So people, TAG like you've never eaten cooked sushi before! 2 weeks over. Monday, November 06, 2006, 11:33 PM The pseudo-examinations break is over and its back to Outram madness every Tuesday to Thursday for 1 month, until the long awaited December!!! Used the short holiday rather well, at least i think i didn't waste much time. Many more personal projects to be completed, but the pieces are getting together and i'm being very patient. Raya visiting with DT was interesting, got lost once because Banu doesn't know where she lives. It was extremely fun, food were great and Mas drove well enough to keep off trouble. The bigger Raya outings will fall this weekend. Besides that, Summerset (previously The Pillions) are kickstarting a new phase and we're coming up with a new look that features only 4 people, with Keith possibly being our drummer. This will be temporary though, 5-piece bands have more edge and less barrier. |
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