Ironic. Monday, January 31, 2005, 11:59 PM Suria's Hanyut tonight featured problem kids whose character names were of sugarbebeh's family! Her youngest sister, her younger brother and herself. Ironic, when compared to their actual characters. Such a contrast. Due to overwhelming pressure by the today-crayzee-almost-high Mastura, i freakin' did my Computer Applications assignment! But of course, i haven't completed it yet. Not even Part I of it. The innerself brainstorming and braintsunamis did their thing for almost more than 4 days; then i thought, finally, hah! Let's just do on FLU! Yea it might be a weird choice, but hey... It's appropriate to show off some boring MSWord skills. I find it ironic how we might find it so hard to choose a topic to do an assignment on, when we're free to choose anything under the sun. Burnt a CD of oldskool metalgods for FuTian and he likes it. Just before i went off towards home today, he was sleeping in the Computer Lab. I woke him up to tata, and he was like, "Hey yea... Nice music man...". Ironic that he likes it though he slept while listening to it! What's even more ironic is, it was Iron Maiden! No no, not Arjen Robben, Iron Maiden! Hey anyway, sugarbebeh's picking up some real cute skills on my guitar. Hopefully she'll groom herself to be an average player by... June. Woopee! Marceles Seniors-Juniors clash. Saturday, January 29, 2005, 11:47 AM Played soccer for Marceles Juniors in the late afternoon today, against our team's seniors. The seniors smoke but they're so damn fit man! And most of them already have bikes... Whoa. Well, it was a tough match. Everyone played by the book. It ended 3-3. The seniors are really superb individually, but i guess we're the smarter team. Having a stiff neck and a burning hamstring now. My computer viruses and shit like that are now removed! Woooh!!! Happy Birthday, Dad & 2 hole-in-ones. Thursday, January 27, 2005, 11:52 AM Today's my StepDad's birthday. Had a heavy KFC meal for dinner and i feasted like a king (sorry Dr Hema), eating so much that i can't believe myself! Then it was time for the cake. I bought it from Bengawan Solo, Chocolate Burgeaux or something. It's super delicious man! Am i getting fatter soon or what?! ManUtd played well but 2 silly defensive mistakes and their lack of balls to freaking shoot costed their game. Buck up aye?! You made Chelsea seem like fools while in possession but there's no idea of execution. "You're not Chelsea anymore~~~ You're not Chelsea anymore~~~" - ManUtd fans sang during the match. OpTech lab was fine just now. Was eager to start on my amalgam fillings but Mrs Quek got too worried about our progress and so we had to skip right to the Class II cavity preparations. We're required to draw our perspective of our plaster models. Then, 'cut' our models into the desired outcome. I was on-form today :) Mrs Quek said, "Your drawing, i know, beri beri goot!". And and also, "This one (plaster model) you did uh? Wah! Very good, you know? I give you a B+!". Wow! A B+ from Mrs Quek!! It's hard to get that from her strict-ness! I felt like i was flying... Then she added (to Mrs Chia), ".. His handwork very good you know, very good... He's *okay this part might degrade someone else so it'll be censored, sorry*". It was cool but this will surely apply more pressure on me; as the need to impress more, on a consistent basis, rises. Hope it works with me =] We learn new things everyday. Tuesday, January 25, 2005, 11:43 PM I was pressurized in the mind during the morning lab session due to Mdm Soh's continuous stressed-up ramblings plus the rush hour situation. Had certain negative thoughts but i learnt that hard times do get by, and if there's a will, there's a way. I learnt that any challenging task can be done and every little baby step counts in one's own progress. Got a grip on myself.. Then... At last, i got a B for one of my Cement Base applications, and the other, an A! And both are on the maxillary jaw, with indirect vision! Spent my night doing up Mastura's new blog. Somehow i'm not happy with it, but it'll stay, as long as she can accept it. It's not completely complete though. Want a peek? Cannot... =P Anyway, Darla says my blog looks like poop after viewing Mastura's template. Hahaha... Like, i agree man! Darla, Darla... She sorta uttered something offensive but cute, accidentally just now. It was so freaking hilarious! Never felt so weird before... Kelakar seram with a pinch of sadness. It's like i went insane when it happened. Anyway, yesterday, an old nenek spied on us while we're walking to her block. It's kinda obvious [and goddamnit, malay fcuk is getting more and more kaypo like crap nowadays] so instead of being chased, we chased her back. I video taped our track back towards her but apparently she had gone in another direction. Surely another direction, she's not a ghost, and she's too old to run. Where'd my moolahs gone?! Monday, January 24, 2005, 11:57 PM I'm broke! Look what more i have to spend on: - Pay back Dr Hema $20.00 every month, for 5 months - New Operative Tech safety goggles, $2.90 - Shaun's wrist thingies, 3 for $10.00 - Keith's black speccies, $10.00 - Marceles Juniors match coming up + BBQ pit, $10.00 ... Sick. I met the HPB Sponsorship lady on Saturday as i was enjoying some free treats. OEI! GIVE ME SPONSORSHIP NOW LAH! YOU DIDN'T GRANT IT TO ME AND IT MADE ME SUFFER, Will there be any interview? If there is, i'll go for some decent stud sloping. The lady remembered me by my hair. Browsed through my archives. I used to type so short. I think i want to start doing the same thing again. The past few days have moved real quick. [Liza&Adilah], yer ke? Gee... Hahaha. Open House & Raya! Friday, January 21, 2005, 8:08 PM NYP's Open House was a blast. MANY people turned up and according to Mastura, lots of people checked out our Dental Lab! Got to see many familiar faces, like those from ex-AI and 2 of sugarbebeh's buddies. NYP's themed the Open House for this year as an Airport. Quite interesting. Banu dressed up like never before (or ever after)! Black Open House tee with jeans... and sports shoes! Fetched (or rather, bothered and confiscated) sugarbebeh from her duties at the German Club stall after school. The stall was quite interesting, actually. She made me a heartshape Ich Liebe Dich mini-pillow too, aww... She then got curious about the Dental Lab so i brought her for a little tour in it. Mrs Quek told her i'm a good choice. "Very good boy, this one.." she added. Okay Mrs Quek, when's your birthday? Had lunch with sugarbebeh at my place. Taught her some guitar after that. She's so sexy with the guitar. Take a look: ![]() Selamat Hari Raya Haji to all Muslims! Funny that the sheeps from Australia's arrival to Singapore was delayed and Sunday's the official day of the korban ceremonies here. The virgin sheeps are prolly getting themselves laid right now, before they're shipped in. I have to make blogskins for Mastura and Ruth very soon, once they've come to a decision on how they want it to be. Which reminds me, i have to update my bloggy links very soon. [Tag Replies] [Keith] It's not the size of prawns, it's the fat content. [Liza] Prawns really are so small, how to become fat? [Wana] Hey!! You watch it too? I have the whole series in my hard drive man. Krickedy craaaaaack~ Chucky wanks. Tuesday, January 18, 2005, 1:08 PM Anyone watched Seed of Chucky? Everyone should, unless if you don't want to waste money. It's like a freaking parody of the whole Chucky shit! 0/10 man! I'm in the lab now, waiting for Dr Hema's lesson. Fu Tian seems to like the Lady Sitter clip. I like it too, haha. Watched Blue Streak on Channel 5 yesternight. It's been a long time since i watched that movie. I still remember i kept watching it on and on and on with my VCD, when the movie just got released. Dave Chappelle was such a nugget, and the part he stole a bag of crack really got me laughing my earlobes off. It's been awhile since i met my maiden. There are many mushy things to say but i'll keep it to myself, haha. Saw her in the canteen just now. Knew she looks hot in yellow! What a wise choice by me... The cardigan wasn't cheap. Been sleeping way early nowadays. Moolahs running low. I love Sound Boards. Feel like pranking people very, very soon... Hahahhahaha. Go Singapore!!! Sunday, January 16, 2005, 10:09 PM Singapore lifted their second trophy since 1998 after a 5-2 aggregate score against Indonesia. I believe Raddy's selections are good and discipline is more important than individuality and style. Kinda envy those who made it to Kallang... But it's okay, i wouldn't want to tire my night away with the trip back home late at night. Had a match at Ngee Ann Polytechnic in the morning. Yusri's team booked a faggotwhore field beside the hostels. Even Aliff could've taken a long shot from one end to the other. So Mayon asked them to their REAL field (needs to be booked or else the guards might kick our arses), which Yusri's team feared to play in and showed expressions of such lack-of-gonads while deciding whether or not they want to play there. Alas we went on and won 9-1. I fought against my tight thigh and Karthik's YokoYoko did magic. But i twisted my left ankle after a hard landing when i poked the ball over the goalie to send it goalwards... My goal which Keith wants to claim, so i guess i'll just give it to him. So that means, 1 goal for me. Not bad for a left wing-back! My electives will start tomorrow. Taking Computer Applications with Mastura and Yusri. DreamWeaver, please please please please please... [Tag Replies] [Liza] Yah.... Harsh rabak... [Keith] But do you like them? I love them sak. [Faezah&Sugaa] Yep, haha... I'm doing good... You? [Andi] I've been calling you that since Primary School, dude... Tight thigh. Saturday, January 15, 2005, 6:07 PM Woke up early in the morning today and headed to NYP with Abang Al. Carhatt lost to Love United 4-0. We only realized they're made up of School Team members just before our match. Only 2 of them are without clubs. That didn't bother us; what did was our FUCKED UP GOALIE being a fucked up GIRL. He's prolly doing well in Nursing... Oh wait, maybe not, due to the super lack of achievement motivation. Thanks to those who wished us luck :) My thigh's tight now, after the many sliding tackles i applied just now. It was already tight since last week, but it got worse today. Hope it won't bother me for tomorrow's match against Yusri's team at Ngee Ann Poly. My computer's been hijacked and many viruses have set in. My dad and I can't clear them off, so we're gonna get DVDs soon. This sucks. Whenever i'm away from the computer for more than 3 days, it'll be so different than how it was. Even porno popups from my computer's own system has started to generate every 2 minutes or so. My sisters aren't allowed to go online for the meantime. My body's been creating more and more antigens against prauns. I don't know biologically, but i sure can feel it. Puked (again) after consuming it around 5 minutes ago. [Tag Replies] [Mas] Haha, that's what comes out if one curses on my tagboard... [Dilah] The free gifts are not distributed by me... And i'll only be in the lab, chilling out. Sorry about the blinking... Better get insurance. [Shidd] Sure, no problem. Housecall, where are you? Thursday, January 13, 2005, 10:51 PM My computer's been dominated by my brother each night. Yep, one Pooled with Keith and Lix at town yesterday. The Uncle actually asked Keith to prove he's above 16. They were both dressed way casually, as the initial plan was to pool at Causeway Point. Took several cool videos of them balls. Neat~ Mastura was pissed at me yesterday. No excuses, i apologised... I was a 1*beep*2. NYP's Open House commences next week! It's bigger an event than i thought it'll be (judging by the plannings the peeps did). I'll be helping out in the Dental Lab on Thursday, so whoever wants to see me and my fucked up boil, be there between 1100-1300. I wanted the 'M' sized tee but Mdm Soh trusts me not to be choosy, so she gave me a Large. No complaints man... The tee has stars on it. What the f- NYP (SEG) Soccer Competition's coming closer. Going against Love United (sounds super gay, i know) but i fear them... Their representative's the Chinese bugger who plays like John Terry and breezed through trials to enter the school team! I wrote down Carhatt as our team name after spotting it on Yusri's tee. Go Carhatt go! Played with Jeevan's team and several other strangers (who then became friends) at the basketball court along with Yusri. The turf sucked like a tranny. Yusri and i formed a team with some strangers and we dominated the court for almost 2 (+?) hours, winning around 10-11 games. It feels so good, oh yea. DT friends! Mdm Soh kinda leaked out a bit on the 'talks' issue on our Diploma. She said that we're most prolly gonna graduate as Oral Therapists! A combo of Dental Therapist and Hygienist, and wipes off confusing relations to the Dentist status. Lazy. Monday, January 10, 2005, 9:14 AM I'm neglecting my blog again. Way too tired whenever night time comes. Starting school at 12 today, Group 1 takes all late afternoon lab sessions. Mayon's unbeaten run is stretched to 21 games after a hard fought 2-2 battle against El Krados yesterday. I want a rematch. Mayon was shagged crap! Shaun was tired after training, Lix hasn't played since a long time ago, and i was struggling with a tight thigh. To make things worse, i had to cycle all the way back to Woodlands MRT to get home keys from my mum, after realizing nobody was at home when i reached the door. I'm battling against myself. I need to get fit again. My tummy's been growing a lot and i'm not proud of it. Maybe i'm -that- happy a person, eh? Hehe... Winning days are gone. Thursday, January 06, 2005, 10:42 PM Been hooked to music lately. The RIAA is watching out all file transfers in Singapore and unlicensed media will be tracked right from the IP of the sender/receiver. Fines will follow up. What the?! There are many changes in classmates. WenXiu has a bright pink fringe, Mas has braces on, Ruth has Michelle Chia hair and mostly every girl's hair grew so long~ Many things happened and i find it too late to catch up. Been neglecting my blog for quite a few days before this. Sorry bloggy, it's not you, it's me... Been recording songs with my Fender Acoustic lately. My Fairy sounded so melodious through the mic, but fails to realize it. NYP SEG 7-a-side soccer competition coming up on the 15th. Yusri, his brother & 2 friends, Abang Al, his friend and i form 1 team without subs. Yusri and i failed to join Jeevan's and Ismail's team. Thought of recreating a team with the likes of Ex-AI E4's but they'll be caught up with their SIT competition on the very same day. Talking about soccer, gonna have 2 matches this weekend. Saturday, on a carpet grass pitch! Coolness! I think i sounded noobic when i asked "Boots or shoes eh?". Today, Fairy opened up more of what's shouting in her heart. I feel the pain, worry for the worry, doing the best i can. Rest assured, the rest is up to her... We can make it all the way lah. Chill beb. New Year. Sunday, January 02, 2005, 6:01 PM The spirit of New Year is kinda low this year. Spent my countdown moments with Heartbeats. Taggers and readers, HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU (too)! We're on our 19th match unbeaten run and i scored after a long time. Shaun got himself into trouble yet again but the real winners are those who don't lose their minds. Now i'm aching all over after not exercising for quite some time. Fetched HeartBeats and brought her to my family's New Year cum Aunt's Wedding Anniversary barbecue. The food was great, weather wasn't very bad and she looked awesome and prettier, just like everytime. Took pictures, thought of putting them up, but my head's feeling heavy now. The weather's been real fucked up lately. Push aside the Tsunami shit, i'm talking about Singapore. Besides the weather being a bitch, school preparations have been on my nerves. The TimeTable is so hard to get access to and upon access, gets too silly-long to be printed out. Thought of editing it via it's HTML with my DreamWeaver, but under the skin of the TimeTable webpage of e-Services, their HTML is fucking bullshit! They better give us an Individual copy tomorrow or i'll have to do some slamming to the IT department for doing such a Martha Focking job. |
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