Got syringe? Sunday, May 30, 2004, 10:39 PM I have to say, the Queen of Words - Miss Faezah is really good at consoling! She's so freakin good at it, like "OMG you go to school to learn those?!". Well yeah, she's a good consoler. A worryward. She totally pulled me up the pits. Thanks, so much. So so much. How's you? Hehekz. I managed to battle some major lagness cookies and my computer's doing quite fine. Managed to get Enemiko's new layout done (finally). Sent my maid home in the morning. And now i have a new one. What the hell? I don't even know her name. I heard she's 19. What the hell? Thank you taggers (: I love you all. Just keep syringes away from me. Fucktard adults of my life. Saturday, May 29, 2004, 8:01 PM Just when my state of life was healing from the rough times 2 weeks back, something just has to happen. Just has to. Any 'parent(s)' here refers to my Mum and StepDad. Fucking parents i have. Fuck them. They're lousy parents. I can't seem to take it anymore. Feels like i'm crumbling and they're the cause of it. These 2 big-time motherfuckers of hell. My StepDad said his last day on his stupid job is this coming Tuesday. Can't afford to keep my maid. Call her KakLis. Told her only a few minutes ago, fuckin last minute. Leaving tomorrow morning, before sunrise. Everything was arranged already, for her trip back home. My StepDad was supposed to tell her, but he mysteriously became sick and so my Mum told her. When KakLis asked her why he didn't tell her himself, all sorts of bullshit came out of my Mum's fucking mouth. KakLis was and is crying terribly right now. She was like a sister to me, and i've always felt comfortable with her living here. I felt terrible and pissed when the news was told. KakLis went into her room. My mum picked up my guitar bag from the floor and when i glanced at her, she fucking stuck out her tongue and her face in a teasing manner. They're up to something, alright. My mum then noticed i look pissed. So she tried talking to me like as if she wants to be-friend me. Bitch. I know you two fuckfaced parents are lying and are up to something. Terrible parents. And i'm being stolen from more and more. Those two fucktards live a life of their own. They are capable of bringing hell on Earth. They lie, and bitch, and steal, and take advantage. Sinister. Just way over the limit. Just adds to why their reputation among people is no different than a stepped piece of horse excrement. And everyone's stealing from me. I don't want to be like my parents when i grow up. Not even a bit. I'll crumble in their 'guidance'. Make it 'influence'. I'm aware some of you reading might say, "Aye they are still your parents, blablabla shmabla.." but hey. You're not in my shoes. You are so not. Life seems meaningless. Thinking suicidal. Bejeweled. Friday, May 28, 2004, 9:14 PM Today's the last day before the June holidays for those back in school. Damn, time sure flies past like a breeze. Visited AI yesterday. Rain spoilt our soccer plan. Found out 7-Eleven sells mashed potatoes. Ms Jo's still fat, wobbly and bitchy. She prolly said she was pregnant to cover up for her fat tummy. I love Amy Lee. I'm officially her fan. It rained freaking heavily at around 6pm till 8+ pm. I closed the windows late, and when i looked out to the carpark, the parked motorbikes fell and are all scattered on the road, the trees shaking like they're waving. Some windows of my top-floor neighbours broke. The 'plank' bearing my block number fell onto the floor and broke into bits. On the other side, i saw my neighbours' chairs outside all messed up. Some trees broke into half [horizontally]. At the further end, a durian tree was derooted and some people rushed to get the durians. My maid was outside and fell. She saw a Mak Cik who tried to go against the wind. Ended up, her clothes and tudung got blewn to the top. She struggled to cover up, what more with the disability to see. Funny, i know. But it was a crazy storm, i tell you. Blinking wonder replies: [Kaz] Okay lah! Doesn't matter. Btw, she does look hot. Ya. [SNZ] Ouch! Hehe... No need for that anymore, we made the deal ;) [Keith] Ah, k. [Liza] Yeeeaa riiiiight Liza. Yea right :) Tsk3. [Ayn] Sisterrrr. Yar, short hair. I want to come over but the thing is, my wallet doesn't allow that to happen. Hope i can visit damn often actually :( Peace too, muax ya back! [Faezah] Tak sakittt. Ehehe. Anw, my phone idle as in, it's quiet uh girl... Hee. And my camera is already like that, that's why it's cheapo y'know. [Fyza] Thanks, but next time don't drop lah. Nanti sakit. Careful. You take care too. Red alert! Wednesday, May 26, 2004, 10:08 PM Dammit. I felt/feel so uneasy and worried after you did that. As for right now, it's just killing me that my phone is idle. Please, give me something. God. Can't get myself to get excited over stuff coming up; Champions League Final, AI Talentime, etc. My stools got green again. Computer still lagging. PrincessDee rocks more today. SNZ the VJDK-lookalike-from-certain-angles got tortured. Kaz drooling over some sexy and hot girl whom he doesn't know. Harrish still chatting weird. Ira added me in MSN and filled me up with loads (and i mean LOADS) of questions. Faezah still with the "hows u" thing, cracks me up. Lix still hungry for punani. Saku yet to tell me something ;) Keith tak ajak gi Johore that day... Pluek!!! Fezo still wondering what that magical thing is. Pai still waiting for next month to get back an internet connection. Yuni got cuter. Enemiko still waiting for new layout. Liza trying to cover up for her "mistake" on my tagboard. Elly's striped laundry-thingy layout is up. DianSis got back report book, did average. TiaraSis still pinching elbows. Good life ;-] Blinking wonder replies: [Elly] Eh ok wait. Ah eh ok. Oh eh ok wait. Ah kay, okay! [Faezah] Hee. I'll be okay~ Hows you? LoL! [Feez] What will you be getting? :-S [Liza] Ahaha, yaaa yaaa... =P [Keith] Uh.. [Hilmie] Thanks for the suggestion, but i'll pass, heheh. [Kaz] You! Continue blogging lar! [ALL] Thanks for visiting/tagging! =) She wants to move, but you're hawking her. Tuesday, May 25, 2004, 11:49 PM Nothing big happened today. The Liza tag on my blinking wonder was super hilarious. And besides that, i hope your ulcer doesn't beat you, baby. Ali the punani. Monday, May 24, 2004, 9:34 PM The end of the month is coming to a close. I can't wait to be topped up with some cash. My own cash, heh. As for right now, i think my life is getting more routined. That's bad. I've been eating little, because my broke parents don't have enough money to get enough food. Life is good, though. Thanks to everyone involved, especially to that special someone (heh). Enemiko, I did your new layout halfway. This computer's lagging the fook out of my underpants. Slowly, i learn, that the world is bigger than [fill in here, whatever i was into]. Blinking wonder replies: [Wana] Wana Wana BoBana~ Cool, you tagged. *shnazzy* Nasty curls? I like too! Cya in NYP too! [Nini] Hehkz. For the fun of it. Anyway thanks, *gives lolly* [Liza] Open up ur mind, bebeh ;) [Faezah] Number 8, Good Luck yah! Kanchiong, no-no, ok? [SNZ] Thankies yah. It's okay, there's always the LJS bell. [Mai] Errr... Like, hey. Eh. Isk. [Ladyelf] Hahaa, too late lah. But thanks anyway :) [Keith] Coz they paid Millwall to lose i guess? [Lix] Can i see your punani? I know I won't be leaving here. Sunday, May 23, 2004, 6:17 PM Man Utd got at least something this season. Went back to AI yesterday. Didn't want many people to see me, actually. I just came to see Fadhli's band and get some soccer action. Then my right knee gave way. Heh. I'm feeling... Something that i've never felt before. It's a good kinda thing, yet thrilling. Pressure is on, though. Those who feel pressured, i feel for you. Computer lag bad. I hate. Spyware i kill later. Computer fine. Spyware dying happy morning. Blinking wonder replies: [Khai] Hahahz. That pic was taken because i was too darn bored. You cool too! [ME!] Who are you? Lyd eh? Thanks, ahahaha :P [Keith] Actually i thought so too, but via those pics only. [Liza] Clean shaven? My goatee stays. Haa. [Saku] Not yet ready! Not yet!!! [Fitri] You want to try? Heheh. Many reasons led to my decision. [Mai] Moneyface! Thanks, but Fizo is cool! [Faezah] That bad huh. Hakzz. You rock. [Lix] Can i see your punani? [Fizo] Don't worry lah, you cooler than being ice cold. Bye dreadlocks! Hello conditioner! Friday, May 21, 2004, 10:19 PM I got rid of my dreads! Yes! I could stand the irritation, itch and stuffiness, but i just got tired of taking care of them. Furthermore, school starts in July and i feel uncertain about starting school with the locks. Certainly i didn't regret having them and will like to do it again in the future (if i can), but i want to try the natural method whereby they use wax. It's a lot tidier and supanice. Tribute! (some snaps of me and the locks) ![]() Goodbye to my locks; BrickTop, Bishop, Boris, Dodger, Masi, Doug, Isaac, Germ, The Head, Low Rider, Right Wing, Left Wing, Castle, Gear, Booth, Waster, Be'on, Offsider, Sperm, Fat Fuck, Abbie, Orge, Basket, Foreigner, Red Curry, Matilda, Queen, Semi Colon & Format. ![]() Got my maid to snip away the locks before going to a good unisex salon nearby, and this is what i got. Thought my mum will scream at me, for i didn't tell her about wanting to get a haircut after the $$$ was burnt for my dreaddies. But she didn't. My new hairstyle also makes me look chubbier, i think. Gave my goatee a good trimming and voila. ![]() It was a good experience. I guess i'll never stop being the one who always changes hairstyles. Still need a few days for my hair and scalp to get used to being healthy again. I still love Rasta, yah! Chapter four II. Wednesday, May 19, 2004, 9:05 PM Thank you Princess. Finally our thingy was resolved. You rock my world whichever position you're in (: OddyBro is still whining about his dreads. DianSis needs to practice typing for school. TiaraSis still learning how to pinch hard. Those who tagged in concern, thanks a lot. You all helped a lot indirectly. Situations right now are just so disturbing and ugly. Miss, i wasn't referring only to you. So if you felt like it's only about you, what the fuck is wrong with you? So tough! Waa. *claps* Knn. Heh. And whoever added the 'bitchy' part. Come get me. I'll be jogging at 7.30pm on Friday at Woodlands Stadium. Bring your friends. Use weapons which show no mercy. There are lots of secretive places. Y'all can drag me and beat the fucking hell out of me. Chapter four. 4:55 PM I hate it when people get too and just vocal. I hate it when my money gets stolen. I hate it when my mind's not in peace. I hate it when my friends are in danger. I hate it when my friends become enemies. I hate it when my friends seek feeling tough, against me. I hate it when they forget their true friends. I hate it when i see the true negative side of people. I hate it when you claim to be what you are not. I hate it when you think i'm shallow and low. I hate it when after all the help and joy, you bitched. I hate it when you said i don't care. Unearthly eggs of decreation? Monday, May 17, 2004, 8:01 PM This one's for you. When i'm looking in your eyes Everything seems to fade away After all these years we had, do i know you now? Have i trusted blindly in your love, too many times? You said, "Hey, my love, i'm sorry but we can't go on coz i'm in love with someone else" Tell me, what do you want me to say When you treat me this way? Oh i love you, maybe And i hope it goes away How i want you daily I know it's gonna stay You are self-satisfied Always ready for a ride ... Love you anyway You have warm and tender devil's soul, you are so low I can hear you say, "I'm sorry, should we still go on, i'm not in love with that someone else" Tell me, what do you want me to say When you treat me this way? Tell me, now that... I have found the whore in you Why can't i tell you no Time will show, the last word is for me If you fail to see the problem, we have, one room full of walls Jar of love isn't dry until the last drop falls The moment i will step aside, you're ready for another ride Walking in the cool night air without underwear You have red light burning in your soul, I've seen the glow In every dream i have, i say "I'm not in love with you" But everyday i say I do You have messed with my head so many times I will try until the last drop falls The sun has set to mourning. Saturday, May 15, 2004, 11:46 PM Sometimes we do what we have to do. Sometimes we do what we think we have to do. Sometimes we do what we do, but we aren't sure if we did the right thing. Nonetheless, we already did it and we have to go through with it. For that actual moment, whatever we do is meant to be the right thing to do. There were no guarantees... It felt like i might be waiting for a cab which had oncoming flaggers closer to it, and the cab is ready to pick those passengers up. It's uncomfortable and uncertain. If it's killing you, i'm sorry... Though you told me not to be. I'm just human and you're one of those close to my heart. You will move on, okay. It's killing me bad too. Way bad. Just way bad. About the class party, damn, i missed you guys. Besides the temperature, i feel it was a meaningful and good gathering. Good luck in your future, 1Extraordinaires :) The non-boring Friday. Friday, May 14, 2004, 11:59 PM Today was rather good. Keith and i decided to ask along anyone to go out with us to town. Alas, Keith, Pai, SNZ and i went. Pai met us there after leaving his cousin begging for cash along the street. Then Maizatul and her mystery friend from BP met us while we were pooling. Had a great day. We became high at the end of the day, and snapped crazy pictures when Keith's camera's batteries are almost flat. Go check the pics out at Keith's links! Can't wait for tomorrow. Meeting the 1Extraordinary People. I miss you guys loads. I still have the Lower Sec mojo-aura feeling in me. I hope Thik makes it early. He has to attend school till so late. You gay partner you. Oddybro wants to take off his dreads. Thought they're silly. Ha! And me, i have to remove them (i think) by July, coz i bet NYP doesnt allow this shit! Gah! I thought of getting a big tam to cover for school, but damn, i can't cover all the time, and if i get one but then remove my locks, it'll be a big waste of money! Gah again!!! Lastly for tonight, tudung wonder, you are kick-ass rockin` my world. The pictures are up! Wednesday, May 12, 2004, 9:43 PM Thanks Enemiko. I've adapted to FreeHand like a free-sized sock! Wooyeah! I drew many people. Myself, lots of Dee, SNZ, Khai, Tea, Sai, Hui Ling. Currently itching to draw Keith. Sai and Hui Ling, in particular, is superb i think. View my portfolio and hire me, anyone. I'm a Graphic Artist cum Dental Therapist bebehhh! My sister Dian Farahoney reached her 7th year today. Happy Birthday you! Both my cameras got fucked at the last minute, so all the few pictures were taken off mum's trusty Nokia 7250. Heh. Well, so i snapped some pics of me in my dreads, to fulfill the requests on my blinking wonder on the left. Can't let them pictures show up here. You have to scroll down. It not only disrupts the initial window design, it also kinda hides the surprise for now. Hahaha. And erm, before you go on to scroll downwards, do not put facial wash and toothpaste close to each other at all. You will never know when you might lose concentration and unconciously do the unexpected. I spitted and gargled like a son of a bitch. Heh. So, erm... Beware. ![]() ![]() Internet scum. Tuesday, May 11, 2004, 10:02 PM I like to see happy people. I like it when people show joy. Ah, well... 1E'00/2E1'01 gathering! 3.30pm at Sembawang MRT's Control Station. Heading to Ms Cheah's house. Inform the others. If you can't make it on time, come later, but not too late. As long as you make it! If you think you can't, think about our young moments. If you have the heart, you will show up. Anyways, i'm getting sick of some of the crap our cyberworld faces now. PopUp Ads, Spywares, Spam, Viruses and other mofos as such. Webspace providers which lied about what they guaranteed. Friendster isn't any better. So long to load. Errors on users. Won't show friends of others. So many people creating accounts of representation - like "Eurasians" or "PunkRock". Heh, even "Woodlands". Getting kinda lame, you think? Anyways don't bother about the Bulletin posts on the "I have encountered errors blablabla, type your name and email addy below if you experience it too." That is just bull! They collect adds for Spam, dammit! And then there are the Malays doing the 3 words per person, jumbled up story. Some people used over 5 words. Go to school lah you all! Heh. The day my dreadlocks breathed outdoors. Monday, May 10, 2004, 11:02 PM Actually, my dreads aren't done yet [the endings still need some good rounding to do] but i didn't have much choice or time to get it done. Doesn't matter anyway coz it's not that obvious. So i went. I thought i'd be late. Deep breaths. When i reached, i told the person i came for interview. Then 2 sexily dressed girls exploded into a laughter which didn't last after i looked at them and smiled. Haa. Shit. Was the only guy amongst the few who came during my time. These Dental Therapy classmates aren't bad looking at all. The interview went well, i should say. Better than i expected. I was so freakin nervous. I counted pulse rate, and it's 90+ for one minute. Is it normal, or was i just too tensed to even count? The 5 old ladies asked about my dreadlocks and laughed about it, but didn't comment. Overall i think i did pretty good but i kinda doubt my chances. Thanks guys, for the support! =) Righta now you never seem surparised. Sunday, May 09, 2004, 11:39 PM My mum says i look like predator. I went out to get bread and zap some documents for tomorrow's interview. People stared. Hahaha. Still wondering what to wear for tomorrow. Scary. To think of a Dental Therapy student with dreadlocks is already insane enough to make Anna Nicole Smith hot again. Wish me best of luck, guys! I really need this! Think of the good stuff. I can treat you guys many times*! After tomorrow, i'll be free! I am free, but thinking about tomorrow just bugs me. By the way. Anyone out there who's interested to join my band? We are looking for a guitarist or drummer. Influences of genres include Alternative to Melodic Metal and maybe perhaps Power Metal or Hard Rock. * certain conditions apply. Keep the vacuum cleaner today. Saturday, May 08, 2004, 10:00 PM Yeah, keep the vacuum cleaner today because today sucked enough. Saturdays are always boring for me and it will stay that way i guess. I made stupid jokes and laugh over stupid things. I ramble gibberish which makes no sense to any being cept maybe conjoined chimps. I sing along to my mp3s like a drunkard and i like to hold on to the feeling of wanting to go pee. I this. I that. You, over there. I sometimes thought to myself whether or not i've offended you in some way. Well, NO! I DIDN'T AND POSSIBLY NEVER! So please, you either socialise more so you get the right groove on, or just please stop making it seem like you're the best and others suck. If you think it's you, it is you. Saturday is insane. I'm an Old Trafford faithful. Shut the fuck up if you dislike the Red Devils.. and smile :) PS: Lix, your SMS touched me deeply. In the mood of evil music. Friday, May 07, 2004, 10:00 PM Had to miss my aunt's wedding tomorrow. Ah, the food! Bring back DB released a new video. Rocks ass. Nice video. Nice song. It's like they want to takeover the freakin world! Keep music evil! ... Sometimes. My dreads are itching like a son of a bitch now. Grrrr. Damn i better not think about it. Oh and, about the reggae party coming up. I WANT TO GO!!! But i don't got no cash. Anybody willing to treat poor, broke dreadhead? :( And i can't worm my fingers around the fretboard again! 1 week without playing can rust me like that. Better start saving up some time from my daily routine to play regularly. Talking about free time, check this out. I drew it with Flash. Gonna send to DreadHead HQ laters. Click to view actual size in a new window. ![]() Salsa! Rushing for time. Thursday, May 06, 2004, 8:34 PM Enemiko can't make it tomorrow! He overslept. Shitte. So i have to wait for Saturday, which means i might not be able to make it for my distant Aunt's wedding. I can't wait for Sunday to get my hair done, because i kinda need to tidy my hair before Monday, which is the day of interview at HPB for Course Sponsorship! I need to qualify for that freaking thing! I need the cash! I fear they'll just push me away because of my hairstyle. Everybody, please wish me luck of pray for me. Please. I spoke to the lady-in-charge for my batch and she said chances of qualifying for it is quite high. Last year, to her knowledge, 16-18 out of 20 miserable Dental Therapists got it. I WANT IT BAD. DON'T JUDGE ME BY MY HAIR. Okay? =S I feel bothered (a lot) due to stuffs like the rushing and lack of confidence for the interview, the unsure feeling about getting my cash back from my own parents. Hmph. As for now, i think i need spectacles. My brother lost the cheap yet handsome one. Dang. And apologies, i do not have 22 or 23 dreads. No, not 25, 26, 27.. but.. 29! Heheh. TheYasMan a.k.a Knotty Yassa :) Wednesday, May 05, 2004, 10:20 PM My dreads are half done. Supposed to be completely done by tonight, but my hair was stubborn, so the dreading needs to be tight. That means, my locks are all standing on ends! Hahah! The endings are still loose, to keep for Friday so extensions can be knotted together. If right now, my ends are waxed sharp, i seriously look like a Punk. 22 (i think) freakish fingers potruding out of my head right now. Can't wait for Friday. The extensions will stop the standing of dreads too. And boy, i won't want to experience another agonising moment of the hair-pulling, scalp-screaming party. Especially at the nape and the side. No wonder Bob Marley smoked weed when he had his hair dreaded. Watched some hilarious mini-movies just now. Tickled my balls fancy. Bloody jackasses. They earn millions just for being what they are - Erm... Jackasses. And uh, i got to design a blog layout for Enemiko too. We had a deal, and for that, i get 10 bucks discount. Farhanah's blog is up and ready too (: Go check it out. Waiting for tomorrow. Tuesday, May 04, 2004, 7:44 PM Lisa was another one of the many who told me i seemed almost dead yesternight. I was crazy to have gone for the run. Crazy. Crazy. I just laid my butt on my roller-chair for almost the whole day. Finished Faiz's blog too. Yes, you freak of Easter. I finished it. *throws layout to Faiz's face* I got my long lost Battle Royale (pirated) VCD back!!! It's like the best God damn movie ever!!! Okay, at least one of. I got it back! I still remember, some of us StraitUp kids went over to Khairin's a long time ago to watch it. Hurhurhur. So happy... Tomorrow, Enemiko's gonna come to my place to dread my hair. He's not busy! Can't wait! Gah!!! (Lyd, i type so like-you). And uh, girls... If you are not in the mood or are having PMS, tell your friends (as warning, especially for guys) before anything bad happens, okay? It's fooking scary. Jelly legs and a monotonous mind. Monday, May 03, 2004, 10:14 PM I went jogging. Crazy. I didn't know what got into me. I just changed, skipped dinner and went. Ran non-stop towards and into the stadium; taking the longer road route. Didn't stop only until after 6 rounds around Lane 7. Perspired like a fat bitch. My lungs didn't feel tired. I went home after several lazy strengthening exercises and another cooling down walk around Lane 7. Right now, my thighs are feeling jellyish as ever. *the sweetest thing* says i seem monotonous too, tonight. Scrap the anti-drugs advertisments. Everything has it's good and bad. I don't take drugs. But... I'm looking forward to lots of things right now. O's Certificate collection, dreadlocks, 1E/2E1 reunion, Dental Therapy Sponsorship interview, Poly Orientation and of course, Poly life. Plus, maybe (just maybe), a friendly date with Lisa. Friendly. F r i e n d l y. Two inches too short. Sunday, May 02, 2004, 11:13 PM My stool is still green, but i did not go see a doctor. I find it funny today, actually. Keith says the colour means i have a healthy digestive system. Ooookay. Currently doing a blog layout for Hanah. She doesn't seem to know what she wants, and it's a bit funny yet a bit frustrating to say the truth, hehee. Nvm. Faiz! You Easter bunny, must wait yah. Hahah. I'll do yours after this one. Enemiko says i might have to remove my nape/side hair because they are not long enough for dreads. Crap! I'm begging him to try his best, because i read off the net and my length of nape/side hair is possible. He says it is possible, and will do his very best. This coming Wednesday, i'm set for the gruesome pain of the pulling tension to my scalp. I can't wait. Bounce along, bounce along. Saturday, May 01, 2004, 11:52 PM I was asthmatic during the 2nd half of today's match. Used so much of energy just to breathe; so much so i got lazy to do so. Then, suddenly i felt that playing soccer is stupid and i feel like i want to stop playing. I hate soccer. Soccer is stupid. My tummy didn't feel comfortable too. I sense there's something funky going on inside. True enough. I had diarrhoea (however you spell it) and my stool is this fresh green. If it stays this way till tomorrow, i'll be heading to the clinic. Things at home are in a mess. Everyone's smiling and there might be no stress obviously seen at all. Is it just me who sees things behind the curtains and people behind their masks in this house? Especially my mum. Heh. I might leave and bid farewell to this place one day. Not because i can't take the crap which happens silently, but because i don't want to be influenced and hence have such a future. |
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