Welcome, Rifqi Nufayl :) Thursday, June 30, 2005, 11:46 PM He's finally out, weighing a massive 3.456kg. It totally melted me like MNM's in your mouth not in your hands. War Of The Worlds was fantastic. It doesn't give you the alien-invasion adrenaline, but more of the get-outta-there sort. Eerie at times. The graphics are awesome. 8.5 or 9.0/10! Went out with Stripes today and was unlucky not to find what she planned to get. Played bumper car with her. It was fun!!! We bumped each other so hard! And there was only the 2 of us. One time, we crashed so hard until my car broke down, haha! So the uncle gave us another go, and we crashed each other like crazy again. Wooh! Value for money! Unintentionally, we also attracted a huge crowd. Business for the uncle boomed man! And we were his investment! Jamming with the guys tomorrow. Finally trying out more new songs. I want my Behringer. I want many things. [Taggy Replies] [Ijah] Hey! I got it redone and it's natural now! =P [Mas] Yeah, all i got were bored faces. Perhaps he should sell it off to a shop :) Domestic disturbance. Wednesday, June 29, 2005, 9:12 AM My filling was done and it sucks like the mofo operator was blind. It's ugly and bulbous. MdmSoh offered to improve on it later on today, while Lola goes for her bugger class which is right smack in the middle of our day. Hopefully she can do wonders and things will go well =) War of The Worlds debuts our screens today and i'll be one of those who are to catch it first! Tom Cruise doesn't appeal to me but the highway and vehicles flying in the air THAT real, i have to watch. Will rate it laters. Chose Physical Education for my elective module, along with Yusri who forgot he needs a PIN number to log in to E-Services (of course, he forgot his PIN number too). We're in Group2. Asked JianPung about the module. He said, "teacher gd. but results must earn it. train u 4ns. learn lots of tings." SET! Well, was quite attracted to the Leadership module, but i feel like having PE like younger days. Malaysia tak boleh. Sunday, June 26, 2005, 9:20 PM Back from Malaysia and i prefer the speed of the 2nd Link like a hundred times more than the Marsiling one. It was nervy at the start, but travelling with Lola's family sure was great :) Got to see the wackier side of her mum. Hot day, long journeys, many pictures, sucky food, lack of sleep. The tour was a bore but i had a great time! Should have spent more. The bad part of it was, my 11 Class IV Mesio-Incisal GIC Filling came off! (My filling at the front tooth come out la). STFU. I'm heading to HPB tomorrow to get it fixed. Heard it's around 9 bucks. Cheapo. I felt like the end of the world before today, because school is starting in a week. but suddenly, i can't wait for school to resume. [Tagboard Replies] [Liza] Design teeth? That's like, so wrong! Haha! [Ijah] Hey! This one not taik! This one Converse shoe! [Nisa] I use PhotoImpact 7.0 for this layout, and Macromedia Freehand MX 10 for the Marceles FC logo and my current Friendster primary pic. Leave URL, will ya? I think i linked you before. [All] Taggers boleh! Happening! Thursday, June 23, 2005, 11:58 PM I've been exploring Macromedia Freehand and figured there's so much more inside! Seriously, what the hell am i doing in DT? My interest leans towards design, big time. Gahhh, future, future. Which reminds me, i'll be having only 1 more week of holidays after i come back from Kelantan. That'll suck. Indeed, the holidays have been something, but i still can't live with the fact that it's my last ever! Ah!! ![]() Marceles has been asking me to design a club logo for ourselves. I didn't know Wana did the birdy one; Thought it was cool. So they want a fierce or cartoonish one. I was like, cartoonish? WTF mate? =P I like it a bit fierce, but more of suppish or zen. Thanks to my current favourite program, Macromedia FreeHand MX! Inspired by the Explosive lab safety sign. Did it in around an hour. Any changes? Or not happy with this? I'll do another... Have fun at chalet, guys. Anyway, had 2 great days with Lola earlier this week. Laughters were voting for presidency, hahaha. Mr & Mrs Smith is good! 8.0/10. Go for it! BBQ and Futsal. Monday, June 20, 2005, 1:11 PM Family barbecue on Saturday night lasted till very late and was quite a blast! The food, mood, weather, fire and hungry stomaches were great. Mum bought a surprise ice-cream cake sent by delivery for dad. The package looks expensive. Happy Fathers' Day! ![]() The raws before being barbecued. There was a little more but the table can only hold some. Okay, i think that's a stupid thing to say. --- Futsal Competition. Top 2 of each group moves on to the Quarters. Both Marceles teams made it through. Team A won a tough battle against a team we called Rainbow (because of their colourful jersey) through penalties, after a 1-1 tie. Team B did fantastic to tie with rivals NeeSoon B, but only to lose to them after a tie-breaking coin toss due to all players having a shot each from the spot. Unlucky. So us, Team A got on the Semis, lost to NeeSoon A (obviously their hunger and motivation for revenge is higher than us, and we have certain fears too), and won the 3rd/4th placing match (which i finally scored, thanks to Iskandar, after not feeling like myself since last week). We thrashed the team, hah. So yeah, we're THIRD! ![]() Marceles Juniors A + B, absentees are Ariff (photographer), Roy (merajuk), An (rewang, bah!), Fadzali and Fai (gone KL). [Taggy Replies] [Ijah] You tagged as Ijah! Hahaha. It's always you. [Tea] Haha, cool. You should check his other jokes too. Wicked. [Wana] It's not Bam's, it's a band called HIM's. Bam loves that band. Yas loves that band too. [Mas] Thanks! About MJ, i'm just a big fan. Ntah. [Fizo] MJ! Makan jagung! [Janzzz`] Ah, ok! Cool. Sterile we are in :) [Dilah] Thank you! Well, he's rich and he's doing the best he can. He had a condition, so he has to deal with it. It's not about being white. [Viruz] Really ah? Thanks! :P [All] Thanks! Weee! Somebody gonna get a hurt real bad. Friday, June 17, 2005, 10:40 PM Finally got to download the full Comedy Central's Russell Peters stand up. It sure tickled my balls fancy! Whahahah! Got me asthmatic! This is new age, man. He's right beside Dane Cook in my books. I was told that my family's going to have a mini-barbecue tomorrow. Somehow everyone except me already knew then. So i got excited and asked my dad what we're going to barbecue tomorrow. He was clueless. My brother was behind him, giving desperate, aggressive and angry signs to me. -Oh- It was meant to be a surprise for him, for Fathers' Day. Bummer. So my lame attempt to cover the mess i made was, "Eh, what barbecue?". Right. Anyway, soccer news have not been consistently encouraging lately. Fuck Chelsea lah! Dengki, knn. Always going for every ManUtd target! Argh. Cashew appeal. Wednesday, June 15, 2005, 11:59 PM New blog layout after the green work of art! I don't think this is as good as the green one but i love fat entry spaces, the old green's kinda gloomy and resembles swamps and i just thought i need a change. Stuck to the dose of capsule themes i've strictly followed. Colours are inspired by a Converse shoe i'm so drooling over. The title is appreciation of the work of art by the grand master and his band, for those in the know. So i did plan to (re)start a blog and post entries just like my idol, Jesus Martinez, but somehow i don't think i'll be sufficiently disciplined. Oh anyway, Michael Jackson is innocent. I actually stuck to the TV to stay informed live. I felt like crying. I never understood why people do horrible things to him. They're bad. Really, really bad. Cashless holidays. Tuesday, June 14, 2005, 11:58 PM Holidays sure feel like holidays this time, knowing that this is the last that i'll be given a shot at. The 2 things which prevents mine from being more explosive are the facts that Mona's school resumed as soon as my holidays stepped in and my moolah has left the building. Garantor-signings are done and settled. Dearest already-sponsored classmates, you better go for a holiday or something because i am so itching for one right now and the ones who actually have the bling-bling are you! Ar! Might not be able to be present for the MJFC chalet next week due to a possible trip to Kelantan. My oldskool Hurricane e-guitar has reached it's expiry and gave up on me. Bloody fook. A guitar to add to the list. I'm eyeing the Epiphone Goth LesPaul i saw at Jurong's Cash Converters. It's selling for 139 bucks. I also admire Carmen's BC Rich limited edition black. I like the design, so fuck the quality :P Anyone wants to sell electric guitars? Occupied. Sunday, June 12, 2005, 8:23 PM My holidays have kept me occupied so far, and i know every weekend this holidays will be spent to revamp my home's interior. There's (still) a lot of major changes to be done. Friday night - Had a rather good and fun jamming session with the guys. Cupcake tagged along and she felt amazed and admired us. Haha. We did better than she expected, she said. Saturday - Had the Futsal Competition thingy. It was held by Masjid Al-Fala or however you spell it so we had to tutup aurat. Our half-hearted approach to that rule are our lame attempts to wear our socks real high :P It was okay. Was worried about my knee and my absence from soccer action for at least 3 weeks. I sucked in 4 out of 5 games. I rose only for the last match, againts rivals NeeSoon bastards. They were bad losers who clearly didn't wash their mouths. One of them got a temporary red for first half. I got a yellow for NOTHING, that bitch referee. We won all the games and topped the group to qualify for next Sunday. Good to know that the B team also made it through. Got to tutup aurat though, the organizers were fuming in their debriefing. Damn. Thursday, June 09, 2005, 4:21 PM Holidays are moving so fast. And to think this is my last ever, gah! I feel grateful though, because it's not -that- boring. First of all, soccer guys, i'm back!!! (I think.. gee). And so i'll be joining Marceles Juniors' Team A in the Futsal Competition held in NUS this coming Saturday. Wooh! Happy happy. MJ will also be holding a chalet at the end of the month. I don't know if i'm able to be present but i sure want to. Fun fun. I think jamming sessions will be carried out weekly from now, or at least, i hope so. Moolah gets down but it's all good. The plan was to jam tomorrow and heartybuns wants to follow. Cool cool. On another note, i have my own room now! Wooh! I want to paint it to a warm theme. I cleaned the place like mad and it's so clean and comfy now. Got myself new pictures to update the old and dusty Friendster pictures. Celebrating 1 Year! Sunday, June 05, 2005, 8:48 PM edited: I'll be leaving the Flash animation there for around 3 more days :) 4th June 2005, baby... ![]() In pictures and captions, please! ----- We were'nt as loaded as we planned to be but we managed to spend a wonderful day together. I'm sure it's one of the happiest days :) Besides the gifts, surprises kept popping up and things happened for reasons. An unusually high number of events happened which touched us both. Thankew baybee! Before i continue further, i'd like to wish the Pellai couple a sweet Anniversary too! ![]() She presented her well-planned, undisturbed surprise to me and i was blown away, totally. There's us on the cake! To make things better, it's a chocolate royal - Tastes like Ferrero Rochet all over. Goodness! ![]() I made the incision first. Cut across my face just to preserve hers for the last, cause it was the best :P ![]() My third surprise for her. She was out of words after the first 2, so i was looking forward to seeing her reactions on this one. It's big, literally or not. Featuring a hollow inside and 6 picture frames. Furthermore, the carousel actually spins! She froze when i showed her, and then attempted to scream loudly. ![]() Us :) I've been waiting for this day since the day we started out. She claims she's still floating. I'm shooting up towards the moon then, hee. Thanks to all tagging and SMSing wishes! It means a lot to us. 2006, here we come!!! Oooh holidays. Thursday, June 02, 2005, 11:03 PM My last ever holidays are in and i am busy busy busy! Been working quite hard for this Saturday and i hope it pays off! Started using Swish again after a long time not using it. Good to know i'm still good with it. Going jamming with the guys tomorrow night. It's been a hell long time. Juice will feature vocal. Hahaha, i wonder how things will turn out. 2 more days!!! [Tagboard Replies] [CynicalStoic] I haven't figured it out and it's still haunting me too. [Cady] CADY WAS SUPERB IN HER ACTING DURING THE CASESTUDY SKIT WE MADE! [Faezah] Why do people go crazy over those? They're like everywhere in gift shops... Hehe. [Viruz] Fun? Sure did :) Was a pleasure to be able to visit and see the school first hand. The school's greater than i expected, really. [All] 2 more days!!! |
My Friendster Page My DeviantArt Gallery Adilah . Aisyah . Ariff Arthur . A.WeiWei . Ayuni Cady . Carmen . Dani Faezah . Farhanah . Fyza Hilmie . Hui Ping . Iryani Iskandar . Joyce . Keith Kelly . Khairin . Muslihah Nicole . Nisa . Pearline Ruth . Sakeena . Shahana Shaun . Wana Yasin . Yuan Qi 2004's Archives April . May . June . July August . September . October November . December 2005's Archives January . February . March April . May . June . July August . September . October November . December 2006's Archives January . February . March April . May . June July August . September . October November |