HUGE Saturday! Wednesday, August 31, 2005, 10:18 PM This is a long entry consisting pictures. Be sure to check out our icy outing in the previous post if you've missed it! Saturday (27th) was the bigger day, when actual celebrations for Lola's birthday would commence. I had 2 plans for her: The first is to have a Birthday Party at my place where her friends will pounce a huge surprise without her expecting anything; The second, to take her to the Chocolate Buffet at Fullerton Hotel. Attachment at NDC earlier in the day was okay; my patient cancelled his appointment. The party plan was to get food ready, and invite her friends. Once settled, i'll fetch Lola via taxi, intending to go to an unknown somewhere, but i forgot a precious something and had to direct the cab back home. Then invite her in when her friends are all hiding, then surprise the shit out of her. Everything went superbly fine! ![]() They surprised her by front and back. She got so shocked and speechless! She didn't see it coming at all! Even i got shocked witnessing the explosive surprise. It overwhelmed her and she teared, due to anger at me because i 'lied' my way to surprising her yet touched by everyone for coming down to celebrate. This picture of her at the point of the massive "SURPRISE!!!" is priceless! ![]() The group who made it happen. Thanks for cooperating! ![]() Cake-cutting time, after eating fried chicken and fries. So many candles, haha. ![]() I strongly suggested against the plan to sabotage Lola on her big day, because she dressed to one of her best, awaiting the ChocoBuffet at night. I knew she'll be crushed, but Mastika (who die-die must saboh her) convinced me by telling me her plans - To get her a whole new set of clothes, nice enough for the night. ![]() Mastika delayed telling her about the backup birthday clothes and i was pleading them to, because it saddens me to see her mixed expressions. Haha. ![]() Look at how she transformed with the clothes they got her! Magnificent! Anyway, i was planning to wear light blue but figured the darker tone blended well. ![]() The team that did Lola's makeover, just before she and i departed for Fullerton. ------======== Fullerton ========------ ![]() We waited 5 minutes for our table. Service was excellent. ![]() The chocolate fountain standing elegantly beside the food items which are to be bathed brown. Oh my goodness. ![]() One of our first few helpings. Most of the stuff got so addictive!!! ![]() The other pretty thing existing there, besides Lola. It was the main attraction and held so much good chocolate treats! ![]() The chocolate drink section. Choose your preferred type of chocolate (they provided descriptions of how each tastes) and the chef will create the drink for you. A wonderful statue of a chocolate dragon displays the chocolates. Lola and i just can't get enough of this section. This i strongly recommend. ![]() Just before we left. Just sniff the class. End =D Harbin Ice Wonderland! Tuesday, August 30, 2005, 11:28 PM Greatest apologies, just got back from DT's chalet and was busy with events that happened. Today's post is on Lola's actual birthday (25th), when the celebrations were supposed to be minimal due to the bigger ones coming up for last Saturday (27th). Will be adding more posts on latest events tomorrow! Destination for the day: Harbin Ice Wonderland! ![]() Teary Lola, upon opening my gift for her. Aww. ![]() Our first picture, feeling numb on our fingers already. ![]() Just some magnificent shots of the place. ![]() It really was fun! The slide entertained us and certain accidents and silly actions got us laughing our asses off. Many pictures taken, but most only for our viewing pleasure :P Sorry. ![]() Till then, ciao! No brakes. Monday, August 22, 2005, 11:30 AM Sorry for not updating for a week! Blogger's 'Creat Post' page has been causing problems for my computer as of late. Currently typing using the NYP lab computer. My cat's named Coral now. I think the name's permanent. She's so friendly now. I've learnt a lot of things this past week, and most of them not related to school. Lots of things to look forward to this week: Monday - Watch Willy Wonka and his choc duds with Lola. Weds - Meeting with SHS directors. Thursday - Lola's big day ;) Saturday - First day attending to real-life patients + actual celebration of Lola's Thursday. And of course, for the weekends, the item which more and more females are despising due to the love their partners have towards it. EPL action! [TagBoard Replies] [Liza] You always have beaten me in 2.4km runs! =P [Kelly] Haha, there's no reason to invite you, anyhow. Don't worry. [Queen] I hope I won't 'go' for it! [Cady] Haha, i didn't say anything even close to that! I can't say who's better, but indeed you both were awesome patients. [Keith] Okay ah, but my schedule's been tight lately. [Nana] Where's it now? Anyway, did you like change your add or something? I can't get to your blog. [Hanah] Hehe, hopefully it lives till rayer, so you can like geramly strangle it or something. [Tea] No way, no kittens.. Hee. Anyway it's leashed coz it was her first day in the house. She was grumpy and high at the same time. Shit happens! [Ijah] The amount of bulu by number is similar to any cat lah... Just more by mass =P [All] Thankew for tagging, will update as soon as i can post at home, okay? Bodyache everywhere. Sunday, August 14, 2005, 10:58 PM Expectedly, my body's aching almost everywhere due to NAPFA Pretest on Friday for PE (in which i did well for everything except the run, 14.33mins!) and soccer action with MJ yesterday. I missed loads of scoring chances, but i believe it's not a bad restart to physical fitness after 8 weeks missing out on action. We thrashed the Siglap team and i was late to catch the ManUtd kick-off. Treated PeiQi at NDC yesterday. Gave her injections. Her lips numbed till she couldn't feel her nose, hehe. Many lips' midline swung sideways and seeing them trying to gargle without letting water leak through was quite a treat. Oh, anyway, my family has a pet cat now! ![]() It's contradicting the 'Simba&Bowey' times as archived and it left all of us puzzled as to why mum actually approved. It's from the Principal of JinTai Primary School. Its name is Furball (LAME!) and my family calls it Susu now (the name can change daily). It's a fierce, healthy 9-year-old, white, female, unligated Persian! It's taking quite a long time to adapt to the new environment (and masters). Of course, Persians are difficult creatures. Well, it recognized me first! The others are still getting growls and bites or scratches while i got her rubbing her face onto my palm! Going to send her for ligation soon, because her poor heat periods are causing lots of pain and discomfort (probably even, horny-desperation) for her. 40 years old Singapura. Wednesday, August 10, 2005, 11:23 PM I'm addicted to vectors now. Got good stock photos? Send, i'll work on them. Preferably one with striped clothing and non-messy hair. Hair is fucked-up tiring to do. Ate lots of German chocolates yesterday. StepSis Aisyah got back from Germany after her rowing competition. My brother was desperately trying to save the wrappers. I miss soccer. Both watching and playing. National Day Parade was lamer on TV than catching it first-hand! The Yishun hosts were uber lame; tamberines up, "Right, right, left, rooound"... -_- Should be getting moolah by tomorrow midnight. I'm so going to stay up to get to the ATM at 00:03am!!! Excitement. [Tag Replies] [Ijah] I hate to look younger for certain reasons like, people will tend to take me more seriously and not look like the adik2, boyish type. Some people (not only me) feel this way. Anyways, cool, hope the taggy serves you good :) It was my pleasure, sorry for taking so long. [Keith] Are those guys for real? Coz most probably, i'm interested. Anyway if we do join Battle of the Bands, takkan PrettyFly... We shall do Sentenced! [Freezer] Heheh, what's that for? National Day euphoria, lol. Elo. [Queen] I'll get you plenty. No worries. Meet me at ATM at 00:06am sharp. [Kelly] Right. After all the adrenaline rush and demonstrations... Haha. BandzOut 2005. Sunday, August 07, 2005, 11:59 PM BandzOut this year wasn't as big as last year's, judging by the major difference in the crowd strength, crappy hosting, bad sound output, not-so-good guest bands and the absence of Keith (not Thaqif, but Lee). The bands this year were superb though, and last year's winners might've looked like small fries in this year's competition. The winners this year deserved it hands down. C.O.T.O.R was outclassed by genre and noise; and with some error with the drums and my guitar amplifier for the first song, it was kind of humiliating. We would've went heavier if we knew it was going to be like what it was. It's okay, though. None of the jamming sessions are a waste of time and money, i'm sure. Thanks for the support, people!!! Means a lot to us :) Went to NDC on Saturday. PeiQi's my new partner and i wasn't feeling too well, so i volunteered to be the patient. Got myself injected with LA by her. She did a great job, i hardly felt a thing; except the palate area which hurt like an asshole, haha. Took it like a man and it started feeling swollen. Then, my upper lip diverted right-ways and i got ridiculously worried. I received scaling too :) Will be injecting her next Saturday. The numbness wore off around 1-2 hours later. Met Lola and went to her cousin's wedding. It was very good, i felt like i was already a part of them. The food was magnificent. The bride laughed when i said i'm 18 and the groom 'bought' it with shock. When i told them i really am 18, they said they thought i'm 24 or 25 (Ijah, pendek2 tetap age tinggi ui!). [Tag Replies] [Ijah] I think in pictures. You rubbing your belly. Hahaha. I'll do your thing by tomorrow! [Liza] Thanks! Thanks for coming too! Rizman (senior AI) was shocked to see you there, he always thought you're the stay-at-home type =P And i think he suspects Keith and you have something. [Keith] No lah, we're far from that, haha. Battle of the Bands, nak join? We Asylum plus Juice as vocalist. [Kelly] Come on, stop hitting on me. I have a girlfriend. LoL kidding. Use it as you please. Super fourteen. Thursday, August 04, 2005, 10:29 PM Today spells of fourteen. It might sound huge but Lola and i are taking it way too casually. Largely due to lack of moolah and activities on my part. She has tests anyway. More reasons and they might sound like excuses. I'm really looking forward to super fifteen, and hope that this month's is the most boring one ever, because i want the future ones to rock the casbah baby. Coincidentally, Mum and Dad's wedding anniversary falls on this date too. We ordered 50 honey-glazed chicken wings (i ate like, 10?!), 60 fish and prawn otak-otak (i ate around 18), plus the usual home cooking. I'm still nibbling on the last prawn otak-otak now. Somehow i can't get enough tonight. Perhaps i didn't bismillah. Should do this for buffets. BandzOut 2005 is tomorrow and i just hope C.O.T.O.R won't be the first or second band to perform! There'll be 8 bands altogether, FYI. Whatever it is, we're not in to win anything, but we just have this thirst to perform. Hope it turns out good! [Tagboard Replies] [Keith] Term of agreement: COTOR possesses the authority to make any change in the 'Best Fan' competition. [TWeiWei] Thanks!!! To you too!!! [Ijah] Okay, black, with border or no border? If yes, what colour? Hee. Will do it when i get back home tomorrow ok? So so sorry for the delay, i'm such an ass but i just have no time for the computer except for blogging. [Arthur] Yes, man. I join... Will appreciate your presence even if i don't see you (in this case, pardon me). Have fun! [YuanQi] Wohooo!!! Thanks!!! Good luck to you too!!! [Kelly] I AM the DO! Shucks. Thanks for the sympathy, i know you feel for me, shedding a tear or two whenever you think about it. [All] To all those who wished the band and i luck for tomorrow, thanks!!! Weehoo! Pain for pleasure. Tuesday, August 02, 2005, 11:07 PM I had the most frustrating lab session EVER today. Did fantastic for the first tooth, and as i was doing my second, the already-worn enamel gave up on me and broke off with the slightest of touches from an inactive airotor... Twice! So i had to do a cuspal, okay. What screwed it was it was the last molar and the cuspal's on the distal! FUCK! So i had several attempts which the amalgam just couldn't stay in place. Again, there is a screwing factor, they decided to break off just as it was about to be completed. DrAnna tried once and failed too, but i finally got it done before leaving. Fuck cuspals!!! Don't laugh, i mean it! Jamming was fun today. Fadz was his Marceles self, late for 45 minutes. The rest of us entertained ourselves. Some factor leaked into C.O.T.O.R which just kinda motivates us more :) Laughed at Tami a lot, especially when she chased for the wrong bus. We should be prepared by tomorrow. My mum and aunt wants to come and watch the band play on Friday. Weird, but i can't stop them. Why should i? Haha. Anyway, congrats to Keith and Cinqo-nize for making it that far. And for making it into today's NewPaper. Wonderful, sublime performance man. You guys should really have been top 3, and in my honest opinion, i think 3Dash1 are not good at all. Just so typical B182 punktards. What to so. |
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