Dream Theater 20th Anniversary Tour!!! Wednesday, December 28, 2005, 8:35 PM Oh yeah!!! I'm going to Dream Theater's concert January next year!!!! YEAH!!!! It excites me like, more than getting a bike. Those who are going, contact Keith or myself, we go together and rock the joint. DrYong's last day was today, apologies for the false hope. The year is ending and i've never felt like i need to rush for time like this. The feeling is horrible. BBDC guys are progressing really fast too, and it adds to the frustration. Doing rather well in HPB, could've been better if not for my short attention span. Will be IPCO tomorrow, will be bug the aunties to reveal what they've been gossipping about me and my friendly little goatee. [Tagboard Replies] [Cady] I never ever thought you'd say 'motherfucking'. Haha. Anyway, he's gone tomorrow onwards... Your luck i guess :) *KingKong laughter* [Liza] You won't be nice if you're in my position, trust me! I did my best already, haa! [Fizo] Haha, we nearly encountered a sequel the other weekend. [Iskandar] What if a chimp likes you? You think positive but her droopy breasts kept appearing in your thoughts, especially when you're trying to eat. [Kelly] Don't rush too much in your work okay :) [Greme] Hence, you are handsome too. Haha, is your patient scheduled for another upcoming appointment? Anyway, the model-cannot-be-short thing earlier today kept tickling me. Good one. [Ijah] I got it online... You still owe me chocolates! [All] Thanks for tagging okay! We pierce into the new year alongside each other! Tis the season to be jolly. Sunday, December 25, 2005, 10:36 PM Post is long. Tag replies will appear in the next entry. DrYong won't be supervising us anymore for this week. Some of us are sighing with relief, including me, honestly. But somehow, i like him a lot more than MrTorusPalatinus, DrChang. Had a barbecue with my family to 'celebrate' Christmas and also Dani's birthday. I felt kind of disappointed i got full too early but mum said i've eaten a lot already at that point of time and it wasn't a surprise. ![]() If you're wondering, those brown balls beside the corn are baby potatoes. Super fast to cook! Very convenient. ---- I regret not blogging about my past few days, which includes Tami's Christmas party at her place, on the 23rd. It was okay i guess, i pity Tami for being so clueless, hahah! Thanks again for the invitation, the food rocks. ![]() We played a few games. I won Musical Chair, which starred Lola and i in the finals! How romantic! But i ungentlemanly beat her to it... She was a real challenge though. ---- Spent Christmas Eve with Lola, shopping at town. Wasn't as packed as i expected, but the crowd kept coming in the later it got. Lesser people spraying snow. Those who were doing so were either avoided, shoved away or yelled at. Christmas spirit was everywhere. Went back to chill at her hometown and snapped a few pictures. Didn't know it was set to a zoom and i thought the picture turned out brilliant. ![]() ---- So yes, that's an update on how my week's gone. Soccerwise, had a match with MJ against some Ubi team. Thrashed them 7-0. We agreed they didn't deserve that kind of beating since they really are a good side. I scored 2, missed 3 one-on-ones and nearly blew my first goal away. Felt that i was a frustrating teammate to the players. Sorry guys! Match against some ex-OP team with Mayon yesterday. Scored 2 again, won 8-5. My waist at the right region hurts like shit now, and i'm clueless as of it's reason. ---- Merry Christmas!!! Bye bitch. Wednesday, December 21, 2005, 9:26 PM How will you guys feel if your new 22 year old maid has a crush on you? What's worse is the fact that she looks half-Mongolised plus a pinch of PotatoMan. Mine kickstarted her job with us for about a month ago, and she stinks in everything she does. The weird thing for me is - Mum told me the maid told my Sister-in-law she has a crush on me. Motherfucker! Can you imagine how uncomfortable i feel at home? Plus, to think she also handles my undies. I'm so glad my parents gave up on giving her chances and figured it's time for her to fuck off. She's leaving tomorrow morning and i feel so good about it. My room's a mess. Mum kept complaining but dad came into my defence and said if i were to keep it clean and tidy every minute, i'd be a bloody fag. Hah! I'll clean my room on a free weekend. DrYong's made FuTian bottle up frustrations, especially today. It's funny when people complain about him. Caught Yusri doing something nobody expects him to today. He was damn embarrassed, haha. Thanks for the chocolates, Kelly! And Julie! King Kong! Tuesday, December 20, 2005, 9:33 PM Watched King Kong on Saturday, managed to book the best seats for the night. The kids present behaved well. The movie was excellent. I'll rate it 10/10, might moderate it after watching it again somewhen but i'll stick strongly to it for now. Go watch it now! 2 more hurdles and i'm off with 2 wheels on the roads of Singapore. HPB's going rather fine. DrYong's piercing words managed to find some of the girls' emotional weak spots. I don't know about you people... But i believe Gaithiri and Joyce's positive outlook to his mentorship is very admirable and shall be followed. Last but surely not the least, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CADY!!! Angel pumping gas. Wednesday, December 14, 2005, 11:55 PM DrYong has been terrorising our units at HPB eversince he appeared in the supervising scene. His words have pierced many. We can't always escape him though, so keep your buckles ready and enjoy the bumpy course healthily. Cady's now known as Patricia. I've been gaining weight. [Tagboard Replies] [Enemiko] No, Singapore does not do that, although the procedure is possible. Won't last long though. [Liza] :P [Greme] But yours isn't normal at all can. About that Indian lady/guy, i think you shall fix your eyes on it too =) Coffee latte. Sunday, December 11, 2005, 12:16 AM Just got back from GV Marina and the Esplanade. Went out in the early evening when it was pouring like mad. Imagine Singapore snowing to that extent. Watched Aeonflux. 5.5/10 for me, of which 1.5 points is given because Charlize is hot like usual. Lola's hotter ;) Fooled around with her like last time. I'm making sure this hectic month will not affect us. Had a rather splendid (yet tiring) week at HPB. Sure had fun yakking away crap with the rest of the DT posse. Trying to anticipate what difference DrYong's presence next week onwards will affect our slacking sessions. I would like everyone to know that Cady's full name now is: Cady Gen Geraldine Ho Cui Yun Lady Patrick Spiderman. Pearline has a Torus Palatinus which looks like the opposite side of a female's bum. And she thought it was normal.. What nerve. [Tagboard Replies] [Liza] Haha, you people deserve a long break anyway... Good things are to come :) [Keith] Of course you'll be, it only takes 1 time for me to say it. Anyway, ManUtd out of Europe, ahahhh... Push them to Asia. [Cady] AND LOOK AT THE SHAPE OF IT!!! [Fizo] The true fan will always stick by the club, win or lose, jeer or cheer. Let's forget about that lame league and welcome Ole back! [Pearline] Okay, eyes to myself. Because i can and i will, hur =P [Ijah] For real?! Haha... Your luck then! No need to worry about calories. [All] Happy Holidays, holidaying people :) Attachment start. Wednesday, December 07, 2005, 9:59 PM I've never felt this distant from Lola. And i've never felt so much pain and lethargy on my heels! DT's current attachment to HPB is going rather fine i shall say. In terms of our job, it's easier than i thought - or at least, for as long as DrYong is on leave. We spend most of our time there slacking, talking and wasting away! I've yet to go on full throttle, flow of patients aren't good for me. Treating Madrasah kids this month. So all you people with siblings or relatives in there and has an appointment to HPB this December holidays, ask them to choose Unit 15 for me =) There's a huge debate now, on which is nicer - HPB or NDC. Do not choose just yet, people. Next week onwards is going to get tougher. [Tagboard Replies] [Liza] Aye, what you doing now? Working? [Cady] HAHAH! Yes. And don't use too much of the word 'shit' with young patients around =P [Mas] Oh hi. [Frezz] Okay thanks, you don't worry about my dream too, i can do it. [Hanah] Heyy.. How come i didn't see you... Prolly coz there was a LOT of people. I was hiding away most of the time anyway. Mats and Minahs everywhere, i felt so ashamed. [Keith] You will believe me if you were there. If phone numbers were genitals, AIDS was spreading like their thighs. [All] Thanks for visiting! =P Super eighteen. Sunday, December 04, 2005, 12:30 PM Today spells of a good scholes.. In which the journey to the next few numbers are going to be very different and hard. I don't see a certain destination like, say number 24, because it's never a destination; more like a pit stop for the next leg of the journey :) Went to the Hanyut thing at ECP with Lola's entire family tree yesterday. The show was meaningless and the Melayu entertainment is too malay to entertain me one slightest bit. There was a huge crowd, many of those whose purpose are to strut their assets to crocoguys on the lurk. It was more like a Mardi Gras for the loose, haa!!! What might have happened if they had hotels there? And if there wasn't any adults, there might just be a bukkake party all along the seaside. I dreamt i failed my RTT this Thursday and i am scared shit. Wait, about tomorrow too, i am scared shit. ps: The previous entry has been edited. I never struggle :) Thanks to concerned taggers. Guess that answers the tags. Hell approaches. Friday, December 02, 2005, 1:13 AM [Meaningless rantings are taken off due to meaningless reasons]. Anyway, i'm on Practical 5 now. Booked it on next Saturday. Topic on bikes reminds me, i missed out several tag replies. Apologies. [Tagboard Replies] [Keith] Need bike pronto. Workplace at Outram's a son of a bitch. Anyway, the Phantom bicycle thing was a good one. [Liza] I won't do that pose on a Phantom!! Wait 1 year after my 2B license. I'll get a Steed, then we go on and carry that shit out :) [Ijah] Hello Choco. You're gonna get wider with those stuff, haha. Can get stuff for discounts? Anyway, i meant motorbike... I won't yatter about getting a bicycle man. I can steal one from a void deck. [Mas] I'm going to be your next uncle then. [Kelly] You get a car and then we race to school every Monday, okay? [Pinggyy] Yes mastress! [YuanQi] Thanks for the URL. Will change it as soon as i get my mind off things that bother me. Anyway, was feeling rather stressed that day, didn't want to go school. [Cady] I've noticed that your tags have always appeared to be so enthusiastic (or high). It's is certainly not a bad thing, haha! [All] Thanks for dropping by! Remind me to post about a con attempt on me next time, ok! |
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