» progress.not.perfection «

   Saturday, July 30, 2005, 9:30 PM

BandzOut 2005 will commence not at 7.30pm but 5.30pm!
Apparently the organizing member made an error in his congratulations speech through the phone.

Was too engrossed with qualifying that i forgot to type about Lola and i eye-witnessing a car blasting into flames (or rather, it already was) when we're in the MRT. As adventurous as our young hearts are, we raced there to catch the action. Unlucky for us, it was extinguished just before we reached. It was fun to run though, managed to play some games which i non-gentlemanly won :P

Treated Cady at NDC. She's a very good assistant; willing to spare her expertise to tell her dentist to work more efficiently, haha! She was a talkative patient, closing her lips when she utters gibberish which requires certain lip-smacking - while the mirror is still in her mouth! Couldn't control myself. It was tough to treat an ortho-an but Cady helped me a hell lot by being a good patient. Thanks, "please"! Miss Yasmin was very strict and pressurized me but gave me good grades at the end of it all. Had to leave early for the Scholars' Choice Preview 2005 Seminar.

The talker representing UK, Mr Paul Tornton was hilarious. He gave his talk like a typical English standup comedian! I laughed my ass off!
Had an unplanned meeting with Lola and ate a bit, then rushed home to have some red BONE MARROW or TULANG MERAH (favourite!) for dinner!

   Thursday, July 28, 2005, 11:04 PM

Coast Of The Opposite Residence has made it through to the finals of BandzOut 2005!!! The auditions went fine yesterday, except that i think i took too long to set up. The distortion pedal was still wrapped in plastic, inside the box when it was crunch time!

NYP BandzOut 2005
Venue: NYP Ampitheatre (The Dome)
Date: 5th August 2005 (Friday)
Time: 7.30pm till it's done.
It's open for ANYONE to come, not necessarily needing one to be from NYP!

Got to prepare at 4pm, which means i'll have to skip next week's PhysicalFitness.
Will post reminders of the event during later blog posts :)
P/S: Best C.O.T.O.R supporter wins an Ernie Ball's steel 1st Guitar String.

[Tagboard Replies]
[Keith] Haha, we used a simple, crappy intro which turned out nice. And yah, i come early; Sham's band 2nd anyway. Won't want to miss a thing.
[Queen] Change for me, can? Hee..
[Tamz] You shall be punished after you mop the floor. Hahaha.
[Ijah] Hmmmmm... I really wonder why the hell i still have that link on. Worst off, i'm not bothered to do anything about it! Anyway, have you emailed? Coz i didn't get anything :S
[All] Clear all schedules on 5th August for BandzOut 2005, okay?

   Tuesday, July 26, 2005, 10:17 AM

I have a lot of things to type! Got too exhausted after getting back home almost everyday, and that's my excuse for not updating for the past few days. It sure has been happening lately.

Cady treated me and i assisted her while being her patient. She was nervous, even more than me, and we laughed a lot, hahaa. She's a good operator lah, i should say :) Headed off to granny's for her birthday celebrations right after, when i was given 6 NDP preview tickets, Grand Stand. Asked many people if they'd want to go but nobody took the tickets, so 2 of my cousins followed Lola and i while the other 2 tickets enjoyed a long get-together with my notes.

Got up late and rushed off to Junction8 to catch the SchoolOfRock2005 Competition. The bands are good, and Keith's band put on their wonderful, crowd-entertaining disguise, hahahaha. Sheikh Haikel was hilarious. Thought Najibah sounded mouth-gapingly superb.

Went to jam with Coast Of The Opposite Residence. Tami was late, as usual. Distortions weren't at the right track but it sure was fun. Joseph passed me his red Fender replica which he just strung with super nice strings. He brought along his friend's bass guitar which was stringed black! Nasty! Lola got ill and all along while we jammed, i thought she was mad at me. Will be jamming on Wednesday too, right before auditions. Still thinking of a proper intro.

[Tagboard Replies]
[Cady] I closed my eyes, and when i reopened them, i see my dental operator laughing her ass offin front of me within close range. That's priceless, haha. I kept thinking about it too, can't stop tickling me fancy.
[Ijah] You're mean about everything! Haha. Hmm, can, sure. I'll do it after Weds though.
[All] See y'all at the SchoolOfRock2005 Grand Finals! Be there or be the victim of BrownHouse's goth-poser slutty tanned chic (whose teeth are kinda bucked)'s butt furcation while she asks you to play that funky music, you silly white boy.

   Schedule rush.
   Friday, July 22, 2005, 10:26 PM

Finished my lab schedule today, *grins*. Going to NDC tomorrow, such a drag, but Cady's going to treat me! I have pockets lah, no biggy, and calculus brothers depot at the posteriors. Enough challenge for her, haha. Will be her assistant when she does the procedure. Will be her patient at the same time. Which means, I assist her in treating myself. That's dope, multi-task.

Will be heading straight to my granny's to celebrate hers cum my brother's birthday party. It's bigger than how i predicted. Then, in the late evening, leave off with Lola to go see some night sparkling action =)
Somehow i have this hope and belief that PowerPop group Of Montreal will actually come to the thorns to play in the chillout someday.

Did 2 vector arts today, and i'm halfway through another. Thought of covering up for last weekend's loss, but got addicted and worked really fast, did more than one. The outcomes were superb! Can't wait to launch a gallery!

[Tagboard Replies]
[Keith] Eh set ah!! Aliff will lead us all. We'll be so cool! Everyone will notice us!
[Fiz] HAHAH! Transformer!! As long as you have the outfit man. If you're a good vehicle we can even ride on you!
[Ijah] You are very mean. But you know, i always laugh whenever you do that. It's confusing me. Sef-denial.. Of my God! Am i depressed?!
[Kelly] Nope, it's Ward's carver, hee. Will be trying the Hollandback carver soon enough, however you spell it.
[All] You all can join my posterior calculus brothers man! Cady will flick you all off! Whee!!!

   Routine castle.
   Tuesday, July 19, 2005, 10:08 PM

I'm still desperate for money but jamming sessions are a must for Coast of the Opposite Residence. Yep, that's my group's band name for NYP's BandzOut! Hopefully we'll make it to the finals!

Had a bad lab session just now, whereby my hands failed to perform well. Stupid old (but new) lab, we don't have a Ward's carver. They want us to make do with the insufficiency. We can row a boat without paddles, it depends if you're up to it, you can use your hands; or perhaps kick water, frog-style. Some people can do it; so what if you're not one of them? Is it your fault that the right way of rowing a boat is by using paddles?

I'm recovering well from sickness.
Let's hope shit doesn't happen.

[Tagboard Replies]
[Cady] I hope you're wrong, coz i need the moolah sooo much earlier. Thanks for the opinion, though!
[Keith] Next year, we dress up as Power Rangers or something. Or maybe even - I dress up as a Skinhead, you as a punk, Pai as a RudeBoi, Fiz as a Skimmer, DolPeez as a PopTart, and some others as AhBengs, Mats, HipHoppers and Rastafarians. Then we all hug each other while taking pictures.
[Queen] Kweehee, i'll do my best, you 'shmoockem.
[Elly] I saw you, the Pellai couple =) Btw i lost your URL..
[TWeiWei] Ahaaa, the branch girl... So set, we donate each other this Saturday.
[Ijah] Perhaps try clearing your Temp Internet Files, then go View > Source. Anyhow, i didn't see you too! I was looking out for the head which peeks above the crowd.
[Hanah] Haiyaa, i found out you were there as soon as i reached home. Tak tegur~ Nevermind, at least you won't try to sell me something, haha! Kidding.
[All] Thanks for tagging! With you all ah, i can row a boat with my head ah. Headbang.

   Baybeats 2005.
   Sunday, July 17, 2005, 1:05 PM

Went to Baybeats2005 yesterday. Noticed a certain difference this year - There were many stupid cultures roaming everywhere. Yes, that's right, i said it. Stupid. It doesn't feel right. It's turning out to be more of a costume party. And to think many of those are actually kids.
Whatever, the weather was bad so performances at the Chillout Stage were delayed. Lola and i decided to just settle there and wait while the sky drizzled us softly. Then at 8.20pm, fireworks were presented in the dark of the night. Lola loved it, hee. At 8.30pm, Vertical Rush performed. Their lead guitarist looked to be high on adrenaline (or perhaps coke), but i like their music. Their drummer is good. Went off for dinner during the break. Surreal took forever to set up so we left the scene. I got myself sick.

Had the Dental Therapy 'party' on Friday evening. All 3 batches turned up. Food was insufficient because North canteen people eat like sissies. The games were more fun than i expected. I ate lemons and squeezed an orange like a pro. It turned out to be a success. Bravo to the organizers, helpers and food people!!!

[Tagboard Replies]
[Keith] A lot of money should be the answer. All the money in the world means others are cashless.
[Liza] When we have extra to donate to NKF. Eh no, to TDurai.
[WeiWei] Which are you? Anyway, i donate you 30 cents, you donate me 30 bucks. Ok.
[Ijah] My IE's fucked so i can't see your (and some others') blog temporarily. How is it going with the whiteness?
[Sugaaa] Hello Sugaaaaaa :)
[Freezer] You take care too. You need money eh? You took my money eh?
[Kelly] It won't be soon! I'm smashing my pumpkins already.
[All] I rather see y'all at Baybeats than Surreal setting up and the stupid culture kids roaming man!

   Coast of the Opposite Residence.
   Tuesday, July 12, 2005, 10:18 PM

Fuck HPB lah. Why can't they be more organized and precise in their schedules? The 6 of us are clueless on when the hell our money will come in, i have no idea why in the world they didn't just put us along with the rest of the sponsored 04 batch (who are given the monthly pay today). Now there's a chance we might be getting it next month, with less than the supposed amount because "we started skew on the fourr". Fuck that! I need the money badly!

My mind left me while i was doing the latest bit of my lab assignment just now and had to redo one tooth. What was i thinking? DrAnna also says there won't be any cone burs at HPB. My work depends 80% on it. Great.

Very bothered with the money, still. Mum tried applying me for a Bursary award thingy which grants me 2000 crispy bucks, but the freakin' Sponsorship disallows so. Look, you better pay us quick, and pay us the full amount! If you give us the pay 3 days off the actual amount, i will freakin' go AWOL for 3 days!

[Tagboard Replies]
[Keith] <-- This guy's on a roll. Drums and soccer.
[Ijah] He's my imaginary friend. And he's 2 weeks old. He's cute and has hair like P. Ramlee. He doesn't cry much and will grow up to be a strong boy.
[Kelly] Hahahahaha!!! It was bull, all the way; as crazy as i might be.
[All] No sponsorship money, nevermind. At least got people like you. Donate, anyone?

   Sunday, July 10, 2005, 9:46 PM

So i have to live with having only 1.5 days of break at the weekend, whereby around 70% of it is made up of sleep! It wasn't so bad. Wasn't filled with the adrenaline of having targets yet as NDC attachments are still lectures and briefings for the first 4 weeks.

I'm kicking up the vector art hobby more and plan to do at least 1 picture a weekend. Will post my artworks online soon. Currently, some are displayed on my Friendster account but of course, the quality of pictures are reduced to accomodate for the speed of navigation. Anyone wants me to do for ya? I think i'll charge, except if your stock image is too super nice.

DrVee gave Kelly and i a personal, in-your-face, (un)motivational talk on Thursday. I've planned my future and remain hopeful about it. Gah.

[Tag Replies]
[Wana] Woohoo too, didn't know you're in the organising team. See you at the audits too!
[Keith] Whoa fuck, give them a break man... How many did you score? Anyway, try to have a match on Sunday, if there is going to be.
[Kelly] You are one of those happening ones of course, and it's an honour to sit opposite you :P Btw thanks for the eraser, will get mine soon enough.

   Friday, July 08, 2005, 10:59 PM

School has started. It kept me off blogging, but not because it took up my time. My other activities got me usually lethargic once i get home everyday. So far, it's been good. The timetable's rearranged to a more time-consuming one, but it's all good. The many hours of lab sessions are never the same anymore - We were made to do work at the older lab (it's actually new by age, but old by instruments and machinery). Groupings were also changed, and i initially wished i belong to the first group. Thought twice about it and thought, hey, my current one keeps me concentrated more =)

Was thinking of going to the gym every Monday and Thursday. I think it's a splendid idea.

Attachment at NDC every Saturday. I wonder how it'll be tomorrow. For some reason, i feel scared. This... Fear. But as DrCox of Scrubs said before, fear is good.

Finally, Tami agrees to be my band's singer for BandzOut! We are registering next week, hopefully jamming sessions go smoothly and we're good enough to breeze through the auditions, which fall on the 27th.

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