Goodbye, Naval Base. Sunday, May 29, 2005, 10:17 PM Attachment is over. Sad to leave NBPS. Jordan was sad when he got to know i was leaving. He offered me a collection of coloured rings. Aww. Anyway, NBPS had a 'Dress Up As Yourself' Day, which the students and staff dress up in costumes. It was like a mini-Halloween! There were jedis, Batmans, princesses, witches and more. Fun! Gave MdmPoon a mini scented candle collection. She likes it. She gave me 2 boxes of Campbell's Chicken Soup and a treat to lunch. Case Studies done in HPB were great. We shared our experiences among each other; some of which made us burst into tearful laughters and others, made us wretch a few times. The response i received from DT regarding my results were scary! Went to Madrasah Al-Irsyad with CherryLips and her friends for a fund-raising carnival. It was big! Severe neck strain after a fucked up pillow rested my head for sleep last night. [Tagboard Replies] [Sugaa] Really? What's his name and class? [Aza] I'll be out long ah. Feeling rather emotional about it. Do update me though, and work hard! [A.WeiWei] No i'm not! You are! [Dilah] C'mon lah... My O'Levels lagi macam aper. Haiyo. [Faezah] You call of nature! [All] Thankew! Thankew! Will update more regularly ok! Results!!! Wednesday, May 25, 2005, 9:09 PM I unpredictably had fun on DT Group 1's Attachment Field Trip yesterday. I finally got back my results! Woke up early thanks to the NYP results-SMSing system. Here goes!
My GPA is 3.600. I can't believe i got a B for Hygiene! I want at least a B+! Kidding. But really.. And i actually didn't know that Semester 1's results affects the current GPA too. I'm happy overall, but the taste of my first ever Distinction is still yet to be... uh... tasted. [Tag Replies] [Faezah] I used my bro's account uh. [Shidd] It's not Quek anymore and no Malay gurls were treated when i was there. [Liza] I look like that when i shower with dreads! Haha! Anyways thanks for the compliment lah, hee. [Keith] PParadigm gig this weekend. Noisy anot? [All] I give you all B+! Experience. Friday, May 20, 2005, 10:17 PM In terms of clinical work, i do most of the non-operatory work. In terms of paperwork, i do around 40% of the load. I'm ready to run a clinic. I know most of the rules and daily requirements already. Set, give me a clinic. I go run it pronto. ![]() 1. My afro is blue. 2. My first load, on Tuesday. 1 more set and i autoclave. ![]() 1. XishanPS's oldschool clinic theme. 2. Yet another oldschool feature. 3. How about this for a waiting area?! Noice! Nothing was interesting in HuaMin. The school is located in a dead area, the uniform sucks, the students are impolite and it rained when i got there! MsChewBee was rushing like a mad dog there, while Xishan (went there too)'s MsLinChayYang was more relaxed, but firm to the patients. I also noticed that Xishan had an interestingly high number of Indian (as in ethnicity, not language) teachers. Even the DT thought so. I still love MsPoonChewKing most though, and Naval Base is home sweet home :) [Taggy Replies] [Kelly] I don't feel the need to look good consistently because i have all the reasons in the world to be complacent, thanks to sugarbebeh ;) [Fizo&Khai] Haha, bet your Dental Appointments there suck like hell. The DT really rushes her work. No offence eh, the mentioned comments above. [Queen] Ostorongbolos, ketipang ketiput. Yah. [Dilah] Really? As long as no hantu gigi sudah. Maybe they were mistaken as their students, for their uniform are horrible! [Keith] All school got hantu. Every student claims their school was previously a cemetery. [Faezah] I meant what i said in the box. It's not the end. [All] If i can treat you guys, i'll give y'all stickers. Thanks! Sailing by. Wednesday, May 18, 2005, 9:47 PM Attachment with SDT Poon Chew King at Naval Base Primary could have never been much more of a bliss. She is such a nice, motherly person and puts her every effort, heart and soul just so she that can perform her duties as a school therapist and my personal mentor. The school system is very different from my previous Primary School and they even have a freaking mini training golf course (plus the common, like basketball and streetsoccer courts). The students there are cute, bubbly, energetic, polite, smart and enthusiastic. I was introduced to almost everyone among the staff team there and also to those Pri5 classes MdmPoon and i took for our Dental Health Talks. I'm now known as MrIliyas by the many children who know me and i can't even think of spending my last day there. In terms of the job, i'm currently breezing through. I feel ready to treat patients. Travelling to HuaMin Primary School (only for) tomorrow. MdmPoon is referred there after a case of Anterior Fracture. Met Queen of Hearts just now. Kinda missed her so it was an urgent thing. She passed me some of her infant pictures. Couldn't decide (out of 5 favourites) which to steal from her. SHS Student Conference 2005 Saturday, May 14, 2005, 8:43 PM I'll include yesterday in tonight's entry... ![]() In pictures and captions, please! ------ YESTERDAY Buttercup's KakCaca and AbangImi invited us to their place :) ![]() We hung out before that. ![]() Was looking forward to meeting the meowers. ![]() I set the flash at maximum. Boy cannot tahan keper? Hurhur. ------ TODAY I spiked my hair up for the SHS Student Conference. DT would be accepting Gold Medals for our Captains' Ball domination. ![]() Doesn't look as good as before but it'll do. ![]() But it's a lot easier to style. ![]() And stays in shape longer and better! - Medals and stuff - My spikes seem so much neater here. These are the shots caught on my camera. For the actual picture, click on the thumbs and save as per normal. ![]() We stood in front of everyone while our cameramen took their time to do their thing. ![]() After the event. ![]() DrRonnie joined us later, along with his 2 daughters (finally got to see them). The younger one has super nice hair. ![]() Not spectacular, but gold. Till then! Reality TV. Wednesday, May 11, 2005, 11:52 PM Reality TV is getting hot this week! AMI is down to 4, Amazing Race was amazingly won by an amazing pair of people... And my personal favourite, The Contender, featured an unexpected knockout by Jesse The Entertainer on Anthony Bonsante! I was supporting the selfish idiot, Anthony, till he showed how different a fighter is from a boxer. He's down, so... Go Alfonso Gomez!!! Bought for Dian a purple hoolahoop for her 8th Birthday tomorrow. It has beads it in so it'll add more excitement as one swings it round the belly. Budget lah. Will be heading to Polyclinic tomorrow. It won't be possible without her company. She's so sweet. Hahh mushy. Hope the doctor will give it a thorough examination, not just prescribe massage ointment. Will ask for a guy doctor. Went back to NYP for attachment briefing. Each individual has a specific school dental clinic to go to. Almost everyone's lies nearby. Mine... Naval Base Primary School! What the fuck?! Anyone out there with siblings from NVPS? They're a lucky bunch. The colours to their rainbow are coming to town~ Haircut! Tuesday, May 10, 2005, 10:31 PM Had a haircut in preparation for next week's HPB attachment. ![]() I smile like CB. ![]() It'll be so easy to spike! Wooh! Seems like i'm going to meet Loeb every weekday for this week! Awesome. Going to get DianSis' birthday gift after attending DrHema's attachment briefing tomorrow. Wooh. My paperwork for the Sponsorship thingy is half-done, thanks to a certain crazed uncle and my hardworking mum. DrRaj's away till the 22nd so i have to go Polyclinic to have my knee checked! Shit, spend somemore! Will be going on Thursday morning. Wish me luck! Dawn of Breakening. Sunday, May 08, 2005, 11:48 PM Found out something so disturbing and life-changing, yesterday. It's a discreet domestic matter which brought my family closer together. Whenever i think of the moment of truth again, it just brings me goosebumps and confusion which just drives my mind out of control. It initially brought me anger and hate, but i'm doing well to relax and think positive. My money's down, so Tinkle and i are meeting more and going out less. Gonna be busy with meeting my garantors. Thinking of seeing DrRaj on Tuesday. [Tag Replies] [Mas] You knew? Why didn't you tell me? I was wondering seh. [Dilah] Yes! In my books. [Faezah] Hey.. It's not bloody! It's a battle movie, there has to be serous red fluid. Anyway, haven't a year yet, still gots 4 weeks more to it! It is fast, eh? Yet so slow... Thanks for the congrats =) [Nicole] Hehe.. No comments... [All] Thanks for visiting! ManUtd actually drew so that y'all WBA fans will have a chance to stay in the Premiership. Exams over!!! Friday, May 06, 2005, 11:57 PM Wooh! The exams are finally over! I actually got pimples and slight amnesia while i revised (or should i say, crammed last minute info). Can't wait for results. My hopes are relatively high and that doesn't only pressure me, it excites me too. Sounds like i like to be dominated but hey, who's comparing? Oh anyway, 2 good pieces of news. 1. I'm getting SPONSORED for Year 2 & 3! I think i deserve it so bad. HPB finally got into their senses. 2. I got an A grade for my elective module, Computer Applications. 1 down! Spent the rest of today with Lolastars, celebrating our belated Giggsy party along the way. 1 more month and we're a year old! Cool! I can't believe my surprise worked out well - Got her this lovely, funky yet feminine bracelet she's obviously been eyeing for. So cute. It got her off-guard and i'm glad she loves it to the core :) We also caught Kingdom Of Heaven. Freaks of Medieval and 11th Century Racial Warfare, this is the movie for you! It was quite long and got Lolastars and i goosebumped for most of the parts! Superb, everything. My personal rating: 9.5/10! Go watch it NOW! Revision, revision. Sunday, May 01, 2005, 9:23 PM The spoilt keyboard is damaged and was discarded. Currently using an old, dirty one, with no cool functions whatsoever. There you go, another item to add on my 'to-get' list. MyShoutBox's Help Support team are prolly (still) out on a gayfest vacation. Sent them 5 more similar emails from different email accounts. I'm already in my holiday mood (gah). That's right! I'm not taking revisions as seriously as before and i'm sure i'm not complacent either. The NUH attachment really gaped my attention, i guess. Thought of totally ignoring certain chapters in GOP, tested chapters in OpTech and for Dental Hygiene, chapters which make me tear my hair out. I think it's a positive move which i'd rather believe to be studying smart, instead of studying stupid. I went against my plans and spent almost the whole day with CherryPie yesterday. Brought lots of smiles and laughters. Guessed i needed it bad :) My knee's still bad. It hurts like a bitch whenever aggravated by moderate percussion. Still can't straighten it out fully. Thought of seeing DrRaj on Wednesday for some *free* consultation. Oh yea, 1 more thing. I feel inspired to change the whole concept of my blog to something.. Different. Will update on my ideas. For now, cheerios! |
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