... Monday, February 28, 2005, 8:03 PM This is her. Yas rushed and left for a camp after thinking it was on friday. He will be back on wednesday night. Till then! Indie that. Sunday, February 27, 2005, 11:59 PM Damn, i'm starting to get addicted to Indie. It's healthy so i won't stop myself. Went to Seoul Garden with my family for lunch on Saturday. Ate a LOT. Tummy felt over-stretched. Vommitted some ice-cream and i was good, haa (the guy in my neighbouring cublicle moaned, shouted and panted as he pooped at that time. Bloody hell!). TiaraSis was very funny, and DianSis was her usual anorexic self, not eating much and looking really skinny to the bone. Dian has to put on glasses now anyway. She looks like a grandmother. Spent a meaningful time with my other half today. Worked on her computer and had lunch at her place. The chicken was good but i was too shy to ask for more :P She looked sweet.. And i sported a super-spiky hairdo. Was just trying it out but it turned out cool and nasty :D Took many NOICE pics today and thought of posting 6 of them (yea, i actually planned on the specific number) but my darn external CD Drive got cranky and can't be recognized by the computer! Tried loads of shit but can't seem to spank it alive so i guess the pictures will wait [boo]. I need to install my PhotoImpact to downsize the bytes of the pics, you see. The pictures WILL show up here soon, i promise! Will ask my dad to fix this soon. My computer was hit by a wannabe virus which i easily tackled manually. I love my firewall. I just hope my brother uses it; and does so wisely. He gets annoyed by the safety prompts. As for me, i get excited. I feel in control. Too much happened. Friday, February 25, 2005, 11:59 PM Sorry for my absence! Tag-board.com crankiness plus a rather busy week kinda discouraged me to blog as of late. Spent time with sunshine in the evening. Way too tired to go for lab session... Nowadays, i get very tired so easily.. I think it's fatigue. I have to check on my pulse rate soon... Things are just so abnormal physically. Harrassed by a drunken, stinky Indian man in the bus ride home tonight. He tried to preach about how to live life and his hand gestures went all over my body... Fucking hell, i never felt more gay. It's not funny. I felt uncomfy but was helpless. It's bothering me badly. Somehow he looks like Karthik's dad. Finally, Infection Control test/exam is done and over with! I think i should get at least a B. If not, i'll be quite pissed. There'll be an 8-a-side Inter-Course (or rather, 'Inter-Diploma' due to the dirty pronounciation it has) Captain's Ball competition on March 19th for SHS NYP Year 1s. DT had our get-together cum selections session today, right after the test and it was quite a blast! Doctor Ronnie and i found it amazing that many of us have talents exhibited just now. There's a high chance DT goes far in the competition. All we need to do is to... Aggress against the nurses (yekh). I still remember the awkward-yet-hilarious attempt of a tackle by Leen on myself, whereby she totally dunked my left eyeball from the back. I learnt that Doctor Ronnie has quite slim legs. Oh he also has soccer kicking techniques man \m/ Happy week break, SHS! [Tag Replies] [Keith] AC Milan's just too good. No further comments. [Pearline] Serious? Whoa... I feel kinda bad missing it... Will make up for it during the break. [Hanah] I think so, but only a little... She's very minah now, anyway. [Fizo&Dilah] "Rear Marie-d" She said it in an unsure tone. [All] Thanks, people... :D Soccer fever. Tuesday, February 22, 2005, 10:47 PM The Champions League is back this week and Group 1's the lucky group to have late starting times! I so benefit! Can't wait for Chelsea vs Barca and of course, ManUtd vs AC Milan. ManUtd should be ready for Milan after their superb play against Everton recently. I recalled the way sugarbebeh pronounced Real Madrid. Hahah, so cute. Anyway, she's gonna be busy with tests, so i won't be seeing her that often this week. Met her after several days off just now. Kinda miss her :P Shush okay i know. Fu Tian seems to dig Chappelle's Show. Finally, someone to share the racial wit with me. Haha! "What? Ye-Yeaaeea...~" I can't believe Kelly actually attempted to pull my tee up to see my underwear, and i was preventing her from doing so in sheer slumber and confusion. I thought she was kidding, but her expression kinda hinted she was serious. All because she heard Ruth's message wrongly. I never had that strange kinda feeling ever... But it was funny, so hahahahaha. The Dental Supervisor and her cohorts in pink visited our lab just now. Mrs Supervisor questioned me on several stuff and i was kinda trembling. The SHS Debate team made it to the inter-school finals. I was invited to attend it by some 'Jackie', who told me it's gonna be at 6. I said no at first, and she replied saying it's okay and wished me luck for my upcoming tests. Then i thought twice about it and gave it a nod later on, when she replied something like, "Its at temasek poly tmr. transport is not arranged, actually i am doing my job to call only but e tip from me is its not recommend Thanks anyway. =p" ... Right. And so i shifted my pics to PhotoBucket (cept for Friday's haircut pics coz i'm lazy) after WebSamba raised the strictness of their Storage-Only policy. Oh wells. [Tag Replies] [Faezah] Well, my friends work there so several rides should be free =) About the red scrollbars, are you using IE5+? If not, red is the new black. [Sugaaa] Hehe, thanks again gurl. [Shaun] Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! Why?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [Shidd] Restored it~ Boo. [All] Thanks everyone, for tagging! The Champions League includes you champs! Assignment done! Saturday bore! Saturday, February 19, 2005, 11:03 PM This weekend is a bore. The English Premier League is so much more fun than stupid FA Cup. Didn't manage to visit my granny's place in the morning... Gave my mum 3 valid reasons which she asked for. She said okay. Well i used my time kinda wisely. I completed Assignment I of Computer Applications, wooh! Sure feels good! My new haircut is serving me well. I can feel so much more wind in these scorching hot temperatures. [Tag Replies] [Keith] Hahah, i doubt it's close... Our hair grows in different styles. About Cathy, detailed nah... You followed her huh? Haa. [Mas] Eh, yer ke? I hope it's not... As long as you don't mistake me for him sudah. I don't want ulcers you know, hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. [Sugaaa] Thanks! Re-linked you, i don't know how come your link went missing... Anw, wasn't expecting the Friendster Testie... But thanks! [Faezah] Tak habis2 Oasis... Well, i was playing the guitar and the 4 pics taken during that time are oh-so-oldskool man! [Shidd] E'eh, i didn't get worried. Anyways, when did you call me? I don't turn to general shouts or callings lah... If not, like, teraser, know? Sorry aiight. [Liza] Why would i?! Nvm though, her pics are splattered all over the internet. Just search for Teenie Tarts or something. [Dilah] Thanks! Notchet style the hair, got compliments already. You people are really too nice. [All] Thanks for coming by! Referring to what Liza said, regular visits here can be good! You just might stop missing someone, or even go through repression man :) Haircut baybee. Friday, February 18, 2005, 11:59 PM I checked out the UK FunFair with Lola and we decide to give it a try next week, once her tests are over with. For those not in the know, it's held beside Causeway Point and it's last day will be on the 27th of this month. Was chilling out with her on the staircase of Civic Centre while we munched on mini-pizza slices, where we had a deep meaningful talk. It was nice. Then i saw this familiar looking girl staring towards my direction. Guess who?! It was Cathy! Yep, Siti Khadijah! Or Cathy/Kathy/Shorty/Chipmunk. Yep, the one Pai liked during our cute Sec 1 days. The long-lost ex-AI stud, hypertensioned, NYP Nursing dropout. She has long, straight hair now. I asked her some and got to know she's still working at the same Pizza hut franchise. Anyways, got this feeling that i really have to get a haircut, and so i did. Excuse the horizontal scrollbars at the bottom of this entry. It's ugly but it'll stay for only 7 days :) Before... ![]() After... ![]() Good progress. Tuesday, February 15, 2005, 9:37 PM I finished my MSWord assignment for Computer Application today, thanks to a long day to chill at home. Could see that FuTian's very bothered with the unfair timeslot Group 2 has to endure this week, haha. Mastura and Yusri didn't attend Computer Application yesterday. I passed them my Admission Card. They tapped but went off just before it started. Haa. Ever heard a song so beautiful, you feel like it seeps straight into the energy of you body and soul so gracefully and gently and then slides away just to do the same thing again and again? I have to get HIM's album. I have to. And their tees, yea. It's been a while since i strummed my Acoustic Fender. I thought of playing some just now, and woooh i miss the smell of quality polished timber and glue, along with rusting strings. Anyway, for you V-Day fans out there, check this site out, haha... I'll give you previews: ![]() ![]() New layout. Monday, February 14, 2005, 11:53 PM Woo. Changed to a new layout. Yeah, the poo-coloured masterpiece is out. Thought of trying out non-cliched colours, so i chose fresh green. The four-leafed clover or butterlike-whatever shapey thingy seems to suit well with my continuous capsule concept. Tried something new with only 2 divisions plus a popup window for the mini-profile and templates section (which i've stopped doing for now). Trademark heartagram is still on the back, only slightly visible. It's not supposed to stand out anyway. [With this topic, i just want to add on that i'm currently hooked to HIM's Joy and Sorrow, bad.] Grouped the input boxes of my blinking wonder real neato, i like. I have a feeling this layout's not gonna stay long. Anyway, tomorrow's gonna be a short day so i intend to rush off my Computer Application's Assignment I. Today's Valentines' Day and many people actually dressed up. I find it funny that they do... Nevermind the couples, they are doing their thing :P Well, as for me and my bombshell, we didn't celebrate it.. Not because we can't or whatever... She has tests coming up and i loads of work to do. We did meet for a while though. Good to see her happy :> Of what...? Sunday, February 13, 2005, 3:24 PM Had a match yesterday morning, and being the well-mannered people my team was, we were psyched by the ugly, disgraceful, foul play of the opponents. I was disgusted by some of them. Their true colours showed and i never thought they'd be that spoilt. And so we lost (5-4) because we aren't under the same bitchy category of play, but at least we have other strengths like music and/or school, other than just soccer - like most of them. Heh. To make things worse, the referee was way too lenient to be true. Progress for the new template's been halted or rather, restarted. I deleted the idea of my already-completed template but decided to have a new one. If i have the time later on, i'll get it completed by tonight. Guess it won't be so much a Picture Blog anymore then. Pardon the taggy. Thursday, February 10, 2005, 10:05 PM I'm working on a new layout with a much bigger typing area so i can post pictures up regularly. Just felt like Picture Blogging after thinking it's kinda interesting. It'll be green, yes... It's also still under construction so the tagboard will stay that way until i'm done. It's the same 'capsule' concept that i've been adopting since i first did blogging but this time, it's gonna be wider. So fuck those who use 800x600 pixels resolution, hahaha... (Sorry). On the other hand, Marshmellows is sick on her study-break week... I'm so not comfortable about it. Get well soon!!! Happy Chinese New Year to all! Mocca and Friends. Monday, February 07, 2005, 6:53 PM Went to catch the last day of Esplanade's Mocca & Friends Presentation yesterday. 'Couple' from Malaysia performed before the break. They're Weezer-sounding and witty, haha. Then after the break, the moment many of us waited for, Mocca! Wheeh. They performed with a special acoustic setting because it's their last show in Singapore, for this event. They sound almost alike (or maybe even better) live than their recordings man! I'm amazed. I went with hearty while Keith, Fizzo, Liza and Hilmie joined the crowd amongst the stairs. Got videos of them live (but distant) and also, their pictures! Fizzo, will send you the stuff soon, aiights. I talked to them and asked them to "Posing sikit" like as if i'm their buddy... Wooh... I kept my nerves. Fizzo surely didn't as he was all "Argh!! Blur!!" and "Ah!! Baik ah!!!". It was a good night of music by the bay but somehow, i failed to spend enough romantic time with her :P It's okay, we have a holiday-full week. Now i'm down with some throat-itching coughs after some umphty days of runny nose. Yesterday was eight. Saturday, February 05, 2005, 11:57 PM Had a heaven of a date with my lady yesterday. Was glad i took her to the right place. Now that my second special destination in life has been accomplished, i hope to head for twelve. Saw Wana as we strolled. It was weird and shocking for me because she crept from behind us like a freaky stranger in the darkness, haha. Had a match in the morning against Roy's team. Had a smooth first half, but Mayon totally disintergrated on the second. We ended victorious anyway, 4-3. I'm frustrated with a particular something, but i'll just have to see what happens. Was able to maintain my energy level throughout the game. Good to know that my self fitness-regain programme is progressing. FuTian's Nero is not compatible with XP. Wasted. It's okay, i'll have to get a new driver anyway. Believe it or not, my temporary-made-permanent one is at 2x. I'm also somehow in quite a dilemma. If Marceles Juniors go against Mayon, who do i play for, man? Farhan laughed, because he expected my indecision. Bowling for eight. Thursday, February 03, 2005, 11:59 PM Had a tough time staying awake for Wednesday's classes but it sure was hell worth watching the ManUtd win. It was the last time Dr Vijaya taught the class and i'm disappointed his 'shift' stops then.. Well, for Wednesday's Radiography class, he brought us to the X-Ray room. It was cool.When we proceeded to the dark room (it was extremely dark), i don't know if darkness affects how high people get but it sure got us all excited. So some of us did the screeching "1, 2, 3! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" together in the dark room and laughed our asses off on the way out. I think DT should have field trips man. Ms Chia the blur-sotong kia was finally showing what she's capable of (or rather, the opposite) to the others in Group 1! I thought i was the only one who dislikes her. We gave her time to get used to the lab (she's quite new), and she's still a dugong! Wtf? I finally can type this, after the open discussion with the Group 1 Fuglies. Had a moved lecture at 1110hrs today. My gang wasn't really paying attention the other time, so Mastura, FuTian and Yusri came late. Yusri was star of the show... Rushing to school after a last-minute call and arriving in class just seconds before Dr Hema actually finished her lecture! And to think i called him first! Hahahaha. Viva la Man Utd!!! Wednesday, February 02, 2005, 6:14 AM I just watched the match of a lifetime! Okay, not really lifetime, but it certainly was one of the greatest battles in Premiership history. ManUtd came up victorious over Arsenal, twice equalizing before they pumped 2 more in. Oshea's goal was marvellous man! I feel like crying now! We (ManUtd) were down, we were psyched, we were playing away from home, we were 1 man down... But we shut them up good, especially that freakin Oshea goal. I can't believe he scored the beauty after the defensive pressure ManUtd was having. UNITED! UNITED! UNITED! UNITED! Okay. Off to the showers now. I have a long day ahead. Arsenal fans, Stand Up Speak Up, coz you'll walk off with your heads down. |
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