NDP Preview 2006. Sunday, July 30, 2006, 9:52 PM Surprised Lola with the tickets on Friday night and she's delighted to experience her first (and the last) at the Kallang Stadium. She's having a rough time with FYP now so i figured it'd make a good getaway activity as i have no weed. It was more than just an NDP Preview experience for me, but also an emotional one, as i recalled back the countless moments i had with the Kallang Stadium. It was sunny and i left home. Halfway through at Gambas, rain just shot down. It was a thunderstorm! I was caught off-guard and even before i thought of pulling over to don my raincoat, i was too drenched to even give meaning to the carbon fiber suit. Got really pissed and detoured home. Lucky for me, i have my other red tee (i was in NDP mood). Some pictures: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The goodiebags are cool, contains more useful things than previous years. Went to laze around at Marina Square and the Esplanade thereafter and met Faiz and Amir. It was a warm encounter and it was good to see them again. Soccer with Marceles just now. I have no idea what score it was in the end, but there were plenty of goals. I was bloody tired and Opit's boots were giving me blisters. To make things worse, i got a nice bruise on my left ankle and calf area after a whack by the centerback. Nacho Lickyourassgoodnight. Friday, July 28, 2006, 10:59 PM Watched Nacho Libre, as recommended by Carmen. Guess i should be trusting all the magazines' and papers' reviews on it instead! I'll rate it 5/10! Several factors helped save the movie - Jack Black (duh), the awesome Hispanic-ness, the cute fat orphan boy and the awesome, lovely beautiful nun (like damn). Was touched by an angel when a non-greedy someone offered to sell me his NDP Preview (tomorrow!) tickets for a ridiculously low sum! Yeah! FuTian thinks to want to go NDP is uncool, but i have to admit, I LOVE NDPs - but only at Kallang Stadium, and since it's the last time there, it's going to be extra special. Can recall the precious moments when i trained and competed there for AISS' Track&Field.. So yes, those who are going tomorrow, see you! [Tagboard Replies] [Carmen] I regret watching it :( [Liza] Well, you see, she didn't look into it, but saw something squat in front of it. The mirror was not facing her :P [Cady] I thought of that, but she said the thing's like a P6 kid's size. Anyway, glad you didn't die. That makes me a hero. [Yassa] Hi Yassa! Do you know Yassa is a chicken dish? [Keith] Actually, i don't understand. [RieVan] Yeah, haha, one to tell to them kids. [Ijah] Why?? [Kelly] I wobbled? Maybe lah, because rain just stopped and it makes the roads especially more slippery... But balance a while only :P Flu pandemic. Monday, July 24, 2006, 8:52 AM I've been down with illnesses (comprising of flu, high fever, sore throat, neck and back pain, bleeding in the nose, cough and severe spinning headache) since Saturday. Still haven't recovered yet. So sorry to my group for not being able to make it for today's session. What's stronger than Paracetamol but not Aspirin? Oh yes, Ghost Story. My 9-year-old sister woke up in the middle of Friday night to go toilet. She opened her room door and saw someone, of maybe around a 12-year-old's size, squatting in front of my living room's mirror. She got scared and held her bladder. Dad then asked me what time i slept that night. I slept at 11pm i think, whereas she saw that thing like around 2-3am. She demonstrated the squatting position once and has been avoiding the topic eversince. [Taggy Replies] [Beng] Who knows there are long-term effects? Heh, hope not. [Pearline] That made me laugh. It's really funny. Another lesson learnt: It's not fun to laugh when you're sick. [Kelly] It's potentially funny but Pearline sort of mentioned it already. [Cady] That's really random, man. Hahaha. [Ijah] I find it amazing you remembered her! Whoah! Well, my family's intending to get one of my previous maids back, but certainly not KakLis. She's so-called too 'hot' for the Banglas here. [Carmen] I didn't know you keep track of friend's maid problems numerically.. I wonder what could be worst. Knife to the throat? Attempted murder. Friday, July 21, 2006, 9:06 PM Read the whole entry, if not, just the bottom 3 paragraphs. NDC was still interesting yesterday, with Nurse Rozi shoving the thermometer deep into our ears and the fiery hell of DrTanWC at the dying minutes of time. Jamming yesternight. Fingered the bass like mad. 2 painful blisters. Went to NUH's Medical Library with the FYP team (comprising of YingBeng, YuanQi, GeokShan and myself) to search for related articles. Spent half a day there. I have to say it was quite fun! Haha. My maid was sent home today morning. The reasons are worst off than the others that my family have ever had. There are multiple things that are disturbing, but let me reveal just 2 of the most horrible things that you might never think you'll be reading here: 1) She tried to poison the family a few months ago. 2) She tried to poison my baby nephew a few weeks ago. On both occasions, we got really sick but managed to recover. She spilled the beans when attempting to plead her innocence - when nothing was suspected of her. It was out of the blue, and when pressurized, she couldn't handle it. Fucking slut. She's a loner with no family back at home (go figure its relevance). These, adding on to other factors, are too much to the end of the line. Thank You For Smoking. Monday, July 17, 2006, 12:39 AM Watched Thank You For Smoking yesterday, at The Cathay. Great movie, certainly no surprise why Today paper and FuTian gave it a 5 out of 5. Nice to hear only adult laughter, thanks to its M18 categorization! First time watching movie there, thought the theater looks and feels great. Food costed only $2, thanks to CADY!!! Hahaha, greedy me ordered quite a lot, so sorry for the trouble! So yeah, after thinking to myself the movie was worth more than what i paid for and having Cady at the food counter was a steal, life showed me that nothing good comes for free... ... I got a ticket - Fined for wrongful parking, along with around 10 other bikes. Dammit, it was full-house in the MSCP, had no other choice! What luck! Saw Carmen, HuiPing, SherSher and WenXiu doing their surveys out in the public. Lola helped them fill one out. Then zoomed our way to Baybeats 2006. Very packed, yo. Realized i'm less indie than i was. The crowd didn't consist of a large percentage of hooligans and mad attention-seeking dressed gooners, so it was okay. There's an increase in the number of young malay girls revealing their chests though, even when they know they don't really have any. Those with bigger melons just decided to wear lesser fabric. Didn't bump into many people we know so it was great. Overall, an interesting day, really. Blooper! Friday, July 14, 2006, 11:40 PM Was having the group discussion for our Communications assignment when we had to find relevant questions to ask Trina, our fantastic comedian-lecturer. The title is about an attention-seeking, rather oddly-behaving kid (those with the book, check if you're curious, Part 4). One of our questions were: "What school is she studying in?" ..Because we were starting to think it might be a mental or special school, given the kid's different behaviour pattern. Trina replied with, "Aiya, what school you want?" Obviously she wasn't intending for the kid to be in a special school, but i made a guess anyway (Based on my experiences with them at HPB) - i went, "CHIJ, haha!" Then Trina went, "OI! I'm from CHIJ too, you know! What's so wrong with us IJ girls, huh??!!!" Dammit, it wasn't the blue wire. What? Sunday, July 09, 2006, 8:38 PM I'm making a lot of decisions right at the start of this semester already. Plans for my still-unclear future is continuously rehearsing itself and waiting to be 100% convinced. I'm financially bothered and disturbed, it has come to a point whereby i feel like biting my 4mm-diametered lower lip ulcer until that chunk of oral tissue gets chewed. The conflict of what my heart and mind says has ended. I want it now!!! Special note: Congratulations to my fellow friends who've recently passed their TPs, regardless of what Class :) Year 3 kicks. Thursday, July 06, 2006, 10:06 PM The semester has started. HPB is still fun, but i prefer having a cubicle near the kitchen. DrYong's a changed man. NDC's the usual morale-degrading place. But partnerring Cady's always interesting :) School today. Trina is a super cool person! She's a stand-up comedian plus a fantastic lecturer! I laughed my balls off today, and so did most of the class. I'm so looking forward to next Friday! DrMok, our new staff in charge of our FYP is a damn slack person. I'm glad she has that kind of personality, such a contrast to the uptight and research-lovin' Class III dinasour. Going to VICOM for loliTA150's inspection. Hope for the best! *Cross fingers* Hispanias unite. Saturday, July 01, 2006, 2:24 AM My World Cup has ended. Costly mistake by Juan Pablo Sorin and unfortunate injury to Abbondanzieri to release rookie Leo Franco. Kudos to their excellent performance in the WC'06 all-round. Those who didn't know Argentina's strength till the World Cup finals on CableTV and support them eversince telecasted, you are kind of like posers but it's okay. I can't understand non-Germans who support Germany (except those who bet for them). I'm very upset and this has made me a lot less alive. Big party tomorrow. |
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