Busk. Wednesday, June 28, 2006, 9:48 PM Was out on a Busking-For-Charity performance with The Pillions last weekend, at the heart of town - The Paragon. Might be having another round this coming weekend, depending on availability of slots. There was a huge crowd! Then we were greeted by a lady who said she was helping to be a middleperson, as a White man had asked her to get our contacts to feature in a TV show that he intends to create soon enough. We were too shocked to reply and so she brought us to the man himself. He said he was impressed by our performance. We spoke about terms and exchanged numbers. Yay. I'm going to get a haircut this weekend, but not before my dearest nephew's Birthday party. Thinking of getting a Class 3 license. [Tagboard Replies] [Jana] Yeah, i'm not into sportsbikes. It's like putting banana into curry, with banana being sportsbikes and the latter being Singapore. My POV. [Kel] Hey bro... Haha... Sorry for not updating well. Been occupied. You want a ride? I give you the keys and one day during break you go and try... I don't know what eyelids are, anyway. [Keith] Exhausts can't be modified, unless we're ready to donate $500 and some points to the Government. [Joyce] Yay! As cool as you! [Cady] Sorry i are like update once a century. I don't know where you live but my universe only clocked 5 days since my last post.. Sorry sorry... Will try to update more regularly. Mods galleria. Friday, June 23, 2006, 3:57 PM Crimson's name has officially been changed to loliTA150. Items will be listed in no particular order. Click thumbnails to view bigger size (don't be shy, there's no bandwith limit. I love ImageShack). ![]() Pillion Eagle Footrest. Pillions can now stomp and rest their feet in position. Had it installed only 2 weeks after getting the bike. ![]() Disc holder. The aluminium deco blends nicely with my chromes. Hidden cosily from direct rain wetness. ![]() Rubber studded front fender mudguard. No more worries regarding excess water splashing to feet, precious chromes and steel! The small sweet red ruby in the middle of the eagle picture is just so right. ![]() Blue: My precious VTX Headlights. Stands in front of everyone else. Green: Chrome front fender trim. To cover up a minor break, and add to the chrome-&-polished look. ![]() Super loud FIAMM Horns (one on each side). Red and black, fits with the bike colour. This baby can KILL, seriously. ![]() Lockable studded hard leather saddlebags. Yes, you might have noticed the seats... Which are next. ![]() ![]() Studded leather seats to replace the stock one which has seasoned till almost rock-hard. Looks amazing, feels cushion-y great! Butts simply sink into this. ![]() Studded rear fork bag, nicely sheltered by my rear box. ![]() ![]() New rear plastic number plates. The front one's replaced too but that one, no need picture lah. See what i mean when i said the old one's abused? What's worst - it's yellow. The screws used red washers which are absolutely right for the cherry red of the bike. Replaced 6 other screws with the coloured ones too. So yea, overall look: ![]() ![]() I couldn't find a better picture, but this is how it was before anything was done (except the pillion eagle footrest). This was during a professional bikewash by a naked NS man. Spot the differences :P ![]() So that's it. Been getting lots of headturns and attention with the new appearance. Do tap the horn or give a gesture when you see me on the road. If you see it parked anywhere, do leave some cash in my rear fork bag if you appreciate what you see. Leaving your name is optional :) Have a good day. Postpone. Thursday, June 22, 2006, 11:02 PM Apologies, my modifications entry will be done tomorrow instead of today. Was washing and polishing my bike, until i realised it's already night time. I want the good morning sunlight :) By the way, i used Autosol for the first time. It works like magic! Couldn't believe my eyes how shiny my chromes got. Even my mum was shocked, she thought i rechromed the parts. Was at AhKoon just now, fellow bikers there waiting for their turn were circling and admiring my bike, asking the where-what-hows. Felt a bit special :) Stay tuned! Bike makeover. Wednesday, June 21, 2006, 11:59 PM Fixed a depressing fuel-consumption problem just now. All the havoc was due to a small (almost not visible by naked eye) crack on my air piston. My bike's mini-makeover will be completed tomorrow. The add-ons and stuff might still continue in the future though, but the stuff i was thinking of changing were already installed. Only left with tomorrow - to fix acrylic number plates. I've decided not to add my name into it as the debate on legality regarding that issue is not firmly placed in Singapore. Hence it'll be a normal looking one just to replace my current abused set. Pictures will be uploaded in my next entry. Those who see my bike on the road, do give me a gesture or a flick of the horn and say hi :) Back here. Tuesday, June 20, 2006, 11:58 PM I'm back :) Would have the rest of the break free of any concrete plans. Mum's birthday today. Chocolate cake was nice! It wasn't fudge-coated, but 'mousse'. Some jelly-like material. Awesome. Nephew's big birthday bash on the 29th. He's growing up so quickly. This is a boring entry. Away mode. Sunday, June 18, 2006, 1:27 AM I'll be away on a 3-day journey starting tomorrow. I hope you guys have fun. Randomness rawks. Estrim makeover. Monday, June 12, 2006, 4:13 PM My bike's gonna go through a rough makeover this week, most of which are of cosmetic purposes. I've done most of the work already and will post pictures of the before and after when everything's done. Next up is to get new acrylic number plates to replace the current abused ones and a studded leather mudguard flap for my front fender. World Cup fever is on, and fever it might be. Germany plays football too tactically till the game gets boring. England is too highly rated and clearly showed no signs of going far. It's a huge waste Turkey's not in - And hence, i've been sticking to supporting Argentina. Teams (which've played) to watch out for, so far: Sweden, Argentina, Ecuador, Portugal. BandzOut aftermath. Saturday, June 10, 2006, 11:59 PM This year's BandzOut was a blast. The crowd was bigger and the bands weren't as noisy as last year's. The guest bands were all fantastic and experienced, felt honoured to watch them perform. The Pillions performed our best with the songs we covered. The bass amp was very soft so i blasted all the settings to full and fingered hard. There were lots of fans of our band, most of which were Neo's friends. Thanks to all those who supported us! I saw a few people i know here and there, and i'm thankful for your cheers :) It was a great experience. Made friends, saw the school unite (especially during the 1-hour long electrical failure), the CCA points. It was weird to hear 2 songs we planned to play being played by other bands. No regrets though, it was an awesome journey. Would like to thank my band members for the experience. To Peng, the young drummer, all the best next year! May you find a good band! [Tagboard Replies] [Cady] It's Coast Of The Opposite Residence, but close enough. Anyway, yeah, my queen's unlike me alright - I'm not beautiful. [Jason] Hello Jason! Didn't expect a tag from you at all. Thanks for the comment on my work :) Take care. [Kelly] Heheh :P I don't know what to say. [Ijah] Damn, that's difficult to live with them... Hope you're okay. Anyways, would love to get the picture of that aftermarket replica of me asap. Rhyme or reason. Wednesday, June 07, 2006, 1:32 AM I've decided to post a few pictures taken on the 4th. ![]() Our lunch. My favourite pizza, stuffed crust BBQ Chicken. ![]() Our dessert, a remake of our first anniversary idea. The best damn tasting cake in the world! ![]() Snapshot :) BandzOut reminder: Date: 9 June 2006 (This Friday!) Time: Scheduled to start at 5.00pm. Venue: NYP's Dome (the signs will be everywhere once you enter NYP) One landmark down. Tuesday, June 06, 2006, 2:34 PM First of all, i'm sorry Liza, there won't be any details about how it went because it was just another date. The day went fine and as simple as it can get. One thing for sure is, it means a lot to the both of us :) Moving on. The holidays are in (minus this coming Thursday), and i'm loving the freedom of late nights and having to worry about nothing! I can finally get myself back on track and do things which i've loved to do. Guys and girls out there, The Pillions are going to perform in this year's NYP BandzOut! None of us knows why the hell -that- name, so don't ask. Peng on drums, Yas on bass, Neo on rythm guitar, Joseph (he bassed for my band in last year's competition) the capeman on lead guitars and Sufyan (who did Sweet Child last year) on the mic. We're covering HIM! Details! Date: 9 June 2006 (This Friday!) Time: Scheduled to start at 5.00pm. Venue: NYP's Dome (the signs will be everywhere once you enter NYP) Number twenty-fo. Sunday, June 04, 2006, 1:15 AM Thanks to the well-wishing taggers and friends! Apologies as it appeared to be a threat somehow, haha. Do expect a recurrence whenever there is a big announcement to make. Will blog again tomorrow :) |
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